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yeah so i posted before about being happy about being single but lonely. So I read in the entertainment guide that my ex has a gig with his new band lined up at this bar. I am so disgusted...ITS NOT FAIR ...whaa whaa boohoo..hehehe...


yeah I just don't get it sometimes...sometimes you can't win and the true loser get's the breaks. All I can say is he better watch his Karma. I went to the store just to get out of the house and blow off some steam...bought some make and a CD...I feel better. If you read my other post then you'll understand why I'm so irate..if not...don't waste your time trying to figure this one out I'm just venting. I have noticed after reading some of the other posts that I'm the only bitter one here. Anyone else out there just plain made at their ex? I'm sure this anger will pass. I'm really having to try hard not to write him an angry e-mail. I'm doing good...breathing in and out...it's cool.



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