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Dandruff: Better than shower and Shampoo

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Did anyone use anything besides everyday shower and anti dandruff shampoo to alleviate dandruff? What kind of thing work for you?


If you don't take a shower, after how many days you noticed first signs of dandruff?

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Selsun Blue works better than anything else for me. I use it as preventative now, maybe once every 2 weeks. Nizoral also works but will stop after a while so alternate Nizoral with Selsun every few months. These are both more than simple "anti dandruff" shampoos.


As far as showering goes, you should shower every day of course, and I would NEVER suggest going more than 2 days without washing your hair. You're a guy, it's so easy to wash your hair. Try being a girl LOL


That said, even on weeks where I'm totally lazy and my BF is out of town (haha) I can go all week even and my hair is gross and greasy but no dandruff EVER. So if you have dandruff on any regular basis, it is a problem not a regular thing.

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As far as showering goes, you should shower every day of course, and I would NEVER suggest going more than 2 days without washing your hair. You're a guy, it's so easy to wash your hair. Try being a girl LOL

i wear a hat everywhere.... not washing my hair makes my hat hair look way cooler.. yea
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but I have to rec. Nizoral A-D because I can wash my hair once a week... and not have dandruff till that day next week...


I remember it was a time I felt the same: one week.

But somehting changed and it is not about 2 days

Well, I currectly have about 10 different antidundruff shampoo....

hmmm half o fthem didn't work at all for example HeadnShoulder works..in the opposite way!!! Crazy isn't it?

I did research in internet, I didn't find anyting besides antidandruf shampoo which is basically work the same as regular ones for me.

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al7, have you tried making an appointment at a dermatologist? He can look at your scalp and prescribe some medicine that may help you. Are you mainly dry only in your scalp area?


Some time ago I went to that office..I was told since it doesnt bother me

if I wash my hair every day.. well there is not much he could do besides advice about anti-dandruf shampoo. ok, I used about 5-6 brands already. Some works better than others, but none of them cures.


I guess "mainly dry" but if for an experiemnt I would not wash my hair for a long time, the hair would become oily kinda.


I just don't get it: I went from one week with no dandruff to about 2 days....

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I used to get what I thought was really bad dandruff.

I tried all the normal shampoos, the anti-dandruff shampoos and really chemical stuff like T-Gel, Tea Tree Oil and everything you could think of.

But it turned out not to be dandruff - it was scalp.

You just need to wash your hair more often, especially if it is anything other than very short.

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chemical stuff like T-Gel, Tea Tree Oil and everything you could think of.

But it turned out not to be dandruff - it was scalp.

You just need to wash your hair more often, especially if it is anything other than very short.


What do you mean by it was scalp? Sure it is scalp that basically procude dandruff....What did you find out?

sure if I wash my hair 2 times a day there i oing to be no problem.

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