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tiny quick question


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Well there's this girl I would really like to meet that is friends with an old classmate of mine. I dont really talk to my old classmate since we go to diff schools but I talk to her online sometimes. I was just wonderin whats a good way to ask her about her friend so I could try to meet her.

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Girls love matchmaking and stuff like that, but from my expierience some can be not so good at keeping secrets But if I were you I'd make up some lame excuse like if you have AIM, be like (Well, first IM her and say "hey" she says "whos this?") and lie saying "Oh well I got your screen name from another profile...just wondering who this was". That's how I'd do it. If you like it go ahead with what I'd say. But the point is make up an excuse to where you got her away message. But if you have the balls to tell her you have a crush on her then the friend that you know can probably hook you and her up.

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Lol, that's fine dude. Just go ahead and say what I had to say. Oh yeah if things start to suck you can use whats in this article. Now it's REALLY awkward and you feel like not doing it but you have to develop some balls and just go ahead feeling like you have nothing to lose. Don't make excuses not to use it, if you don't think it doesn't work, go look at one of your friends that gets a lot of women and usually always has a gf. The guy will use some kind of sexual tension. You can use a bit at a time to get comfortable with it though. I know I wasn't comfortable with it myself at first but I said "****, I have nothing to lose I'll go ahead and use it." Sorry forgot to post the article: link removed

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