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his sisters don't seem to like me and he's takin their side

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hii, my b/f and i have been together since late lastyear and since we met .... his sisters don't seem to like me very much.... everytime i call to speak to him they speak to me in a very rough tone and hangup when he's not home....when i'm talkin to him he always has to do something 4 them... like go get them something 2 eat carry them here and there.one of his sisters iis especially annoying when i get upset with him and i tell him heboldly tells me to stop mockin her. it really hurts cause he always has time to do things 4 them and anytime i try to do things with me he can't cause he either has to go somewhere wid them or work.. this is wat really makes t upsetting the fact that we don't get to go out much and the fact that we can't even talk on the phone in peace without someone interruptin rudely.. what is the problem? these r some sugguestions that my friends gave me.. 1 one of sisters friends likes hi nd they prefer her for him, 2 he has another g/f and their tryin to give me a clue, 3their just selfishand want him to their seleves/ what could really be the root of all this

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Maybe bc of your age. Which to me you are very mature. Like you said you are younger than him. They just might think he should go with someone his own age. But I say you aren't dating them you are dating him. If he contiunes to takes their side you should talk to him. say it hurts when you do this and this. my saying is if he doesn't stop taking their side now it will be like this when you two get marry also....


Have you try asking them why they have problem with you??

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I'd think that his sisters feel you are too young and immature for him. In most states (probably all) this age difference would be considered statutory rape if you were to have sex. Maybe that's what they're worried about. If he sides more often with his sisters than you, he probably won't change.

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