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Questions of Love, Lust, and other Dubious Conotations


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Embodies me like a straightjacket.

Witnessed from the sky,

A life in which I cannot subsist.

I am torn amid hope, desperation, or utter dissatisfaction,

Along with lust; in which I rely, supporting my sanity.

Time is fleeting.

Like Prufrock, lost in the surroundings of meaningless personas.

Questions of Jesus,

And significance.

Questions of love,

In which I loathe more than man itself.

My souls' wings broken - unable to fly.

To stir forward,

Or to rest upon this drained cloud of anxiousness,

Where I have accustomed.

I yearn for a solid ground,

Where I could place my heart in tranquil ease with pleasant thoughts of summer mornings and naïve embrace.

Shall I dare comprise a babe – while I have not unleashed another?

Oh, my heart does ache with inquiries of such questionable desires.

So I will pine, long, linger in this place of vacant faith,

And wait…

To be loved,

To be loved.

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