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why do the men think about them selfs

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Dear Brave,


You can't jam a rectangle into an oval shaped. Open your hand and let it go....letting go is one of the most difficult and challenging thing to learn., but once you've mastered it, you can deal with almost everything. That's life's lesson...


Be Brave! =)



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  • 1 year later...

I think about myself a lot to improve myself so that girls find me more attractive. When im around a girl I dont act vain but when im by myself i do. I do this for myself and them. I still wonder why i dont get more girls considering how i look physically and mentally But im ok in a way, as i reackon 1 day some girl will make me truly happy.

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Its funny, i didnt actually question the topic.


How can a women ask why men think about themselves?


I would say at least 75% of women take longer to get rdy then men for a night out. Women spend more time in the toilets making themselves attractive in the mirror after each toilet session. Women (most) wear a load of make up because they find themselves not attractive without it, which makes them very hippocritical when they call a guy ugly considering he has no make up on. Women tend to spend more money on clothes, perfume etc.


All in all how can u ask why men think of themselves when women r worse

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why do the men think about them selfs


The Titanic. Who got off first? Women and Children. Whose idea was it? The fellas. Everytime I do something I check to see how its gonna affect my girlfriend because

A) Its what most blokes do

B) Its a nice thing to do

C) I do it because I think thats how she should be treated

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