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Is he interested?????


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I dunno, this post might be dumb. like im making something out of nothing... But my brother in law's friend gave me a ride downtown (30 mins away) so I could get something i needed. He hasn't came over prior to this and when he has he stays outside pretty much. Well today he took me down there and we talked off and on, he talked alot about his childhood and things that he done that was funny,. he seemed embrassed alittle. when we got back into town I asked him if he wanted to get something to eat, We went into taco bell but he asked if I wanted to go to Chili's instead so we did. We talked and ate and then he took me back here. He wouldnt let me pay for anything and he opened doors for me and stuff. then after he dropped me off he came in to talk to my brother in law for a min. well his car was blocking my sister and when i came in me and my sis left and so he left right when we did. Then he came back about 3 hours later and stayed for about an hour and stayed inside. Do you think he is interested in me or like was he just being nice.

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