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heya..im a seventeen year old dating an eighteen year old...thats not the problem..but this is....well when we first met..he never told me that he was a jahova's witness...since i have no religion..this never became an issue..now his family hates me and says that they've heard rumours that i was a slut, i did drugs,drank and had many diseases..on the other hand..im still a virgin..i drink occasionally..i dont do drugs and have no diseases...they dont know me at all and already do they think this stuff is true..me and my boy..dont care bc we like eachother tooo much to give it up..bc his dad has forced him to breakup wit me..but we didnt..now we are secretly together...and dont see eachother too much...i dunno what to do..i was thinking on joining a jahova witness religion but then i thought they are too strict and none of my family are any religion..but anyways do any of u know if jahovahs let eachother date catholics or christians?..bc that might be a better religion for me..nothing against jahovahs...sooooo any information would help!...thanx......... sarz

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Never join a religion for a person. Only join it if you feel its true. You shouldnt be part of something or be classifide as something if you arnt reallyt that. I mean you didnt like it that his parents judged you for things you didnt do. Dont be apart of something when you know nothing about it and dont really believe in it.

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Wanna surprise them?


Go over to his house one day, sit his parents down, and tell them that you really like their son...and don't know why the situation has to be so uneasy all the time. You respect their religion, and you would expect them to respect your choice in religion.



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