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I really need some help. I have bags under my eyes and sometimes they aren't too noticeable and sometimes they are. I hate them so much! I get enough sleep every night, so its not because I don't sleep. Also, my parents both have them, so it runs in the family. How can I make them not so noticeable?? Can I make them go away??

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Get Lipton tea bags or any black or green tea bags after making tea; put them in refrig to chill them, put them on your eyes for oh I don't know...15 to 20 minutes. Watch them bags disappear!


I read in 'Fitness Magazine' that you can actually use (please sit down for this one) Preparation H to decrease puffs and bags. Well, I don't have hemorrhoids, LOL, but I've tried this and it works a little to decrease puffiness.


Cucumber slices on your eyes and take a nap.


Decrease alcohol intake; it makes your eyes and face puffy.


Are you allergic to anything you're eating? Check that out.


Tea bags may work very well.

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