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I don't know why I feel like this

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It seems when ever my girlfriend goes out to the clubs with her friends I seem to feel kind of depressed. Mind you our realtionship is a long distance one. Maybe its just I wish she was with me.


Just out of curiosity one night i asked her who she dances with and she dances with one of her guy friends, he is bi and I don't like that she dances with him. I feel like if I tell her this she will be upset. Plus it seems like everytime she goes to the club she dresses really cute which I don't think I've ever seen.


Other times when we talk on the phone it I ask her how her night is going and she replies but sometimes doesn't bother asking me about mine.


I'm sorry I just feel a little down right now and I had to vent a little bit.

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i know what you mean. sometimes it really hurts knowing the one yuo love is having fun with somone else.

sorry i dont really have any advice for you, but i know how it feels, and its not abnormal to feel that way. just try not to let it make your relationship any worse if you can aviod it.

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