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starnge. I'm feeling fat

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What's my problem? I'm 5.74; 137 lbs, and I've been this way for 2 years. I know I have a perfect body, but recently I've started seeing myself as fat person even though I weigh the same 137 lbs. I can't understand why this is happening. I'm not a silly amateur girl, I'm going to be 18 next saturday! The only time I though I was fat was at 14, when I was 145 lbs.. I guess it was abit of baby fat... I just lost it all without an effort.


any ideas?

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be very careful - the feelings you describe are the first symptoms of anorexia.


Anorexics literally see themselves as fat when they are anything but - I have seen a girl who was almost skeletal but when she looked in the mirror she saw a fat person. She would not be convinced that she was not fat. It was one of the saddest and most pathetic sights I have ever seen and she eventually died of starvation.


If you continue to see yourself this way, I cannot urge you strongly enough to get help. Very few anorexics have ever got better without professional help, so please do youself (and us) a favour and get help.


Good luck

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Hey there,

I don't exactly know what to say...but I thought it might help you to know you are not alone? I have been having the same issue lately. I am also somwhere inbetween 5 ft 7 and 5 ft 8. I weigh somewhere inbetween 130 and 140. I've always been considered 'skinny' and I too am also not one of those girls who is constantly silly over these kinds of things. But lately...I have been having the feeling that I am fat. I don't make a big scene out of it...but it really gets at me and I don't know exactly why. Actually, just last night I was with my boyfriend and he kept wrapping his arms around me and saying: "I can touch my elbows behind your back, you are so tiny". I know that should kind of be a compliment I think...and I know I have trouble accepting compliments anyway...but...I almost found myself more self-conscious about this observation of his than happy about it. And earlier that night he had been letting me lean against him and had his arms over my stomach and I felt a little akward because I didn't want him to feel how "fat" I was. Maybe it's just the media...maybe it's because we are just starting to develop actual 'bodies'. (I also am 17). Maybe it has to do with things people might have said just to be mean? I know my step mom tried to make me feel like I was fat (she's a big lady and she often tries to belittle me in any way she can...and I know that's all it is...but it still gets to me I guess?). I think it's all just a normal part of growing up and growing into your body. If we try not to focus on it too much...I think it will eventually pass.


Best of luck to you, hope i was some help...

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From_Now_On: the same post I wrote before applies to you.


If you know you are not fat but some part of your brain says you are then something is not making sense in your head.


It's as if you see something that is not there, an illusion. You know that it is not real but you still see it. And other people are confirming that what you see is an illusion. That means there is something going on inside that you need to get sorted out.


Think of it in the same way as if something was not right with your body. You would go see a doctor, right? This is the same - go see a mind doctor and get yourself put right.

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nah, I'm not stupid enough to stop eating. I mean I will try to eat less fatty and sweet food (like junk food, snacks, pies) but I'm in love with other foods! There are so many great foods and not eating them means not living.


anyways.. I want to start running once it gets warmer, a promise I made last year. On the first day of my "plan" a siketa (how do u spell them? I rofgot, lol) fell on my back and I was so grossed out that I run straight to shower and stayed there for like an hour. I tried to stay indoors until they died.

Well this year I have nothing to be afraid of. Maybe I feel fat because it's winter and bodies are supposed to get fat by winter, right?



sorry I don't have a recent picture that'll show how fat I am or not. The main problem is my stomach - which has very little fat and never sticks out. I just struggle with constipation so constantly eating fiber blows my stomach. I know it's not fat but I see "big" in the mirror and I don't like that.


Another problem - my legs. They're not fat, but not skinny either. For my body type I think I'm supposed to have legs like that. You know. They're not dead straight where they start.. There is like a little curve..


blah I hope I made sense

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My goodness - just because you feel fat lately doesn't mean that you are borderline anorexic.


A number of things could be causing it, and my guess it that it's most likely your hormones changing with your age. If you are going to be 18, you're nearing your peak growth, and you might start to notice some changes in both your attitude and your appearance. Plus, depending on your genetics, your metabolism might be starting to slow down (which could explain why you feel fatter, but actually are not).


I think a lot of women can relate to what you're going through right now, but it's definitely not a "sure sign" of anorexia.

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I'll try and make this short because I don't want to spam up the original poster's replies with my own situation:


Thanks DN for your concern...but I must say I agree with OceanEyes on this one. Feeling fat is no sure sign of anorexia. You can't always be 100% happy with yourself. I think it's fairly common to not be happy with your figure at this age because we are growing and our bodies are changing so much. It doesn't mean I'm going to go so far as to starve myself.

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I have no problems with spamming


I never understoon all those girls that starve themselves intead of dieting the right way. I hate it when I'm hungry.. no wait, I love it when I'm hungry because it means that I can eat!!

and I'm not depressed over my body. Even if I was, I wouldnd't sit on my butt here, I'd be exersising.

btw, From Now On, you're 7.7? Isn't that a little too tall?

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I have no problems with spamming


I never understoon all those girls that starve themselves intead of dieting the right way. I hate it when I'm hungry.. no wait, I love it when I'm hungry because it means that I can eat!!

and I'm not depressed over my body. Even if I was, I wouldnd't sit on my butt here, I'd be exersising.

btw, From Now On, you're 7.7? Isn't that a little too tall?



lmbo...sorry. I meant 5 ft 7. I'll have to go fix that . I'm big on the 'eating' thing too, lol. I will be honest, I have tried not eating before...but I really can't do it...I like my food! I'd get hungry by the time dinner rolled around and I'd eat everything in the house. I *hands down* eat the most in my family, and we are big eaters. Besides, the pride and joy of my life is chinese food...I can't give that up! lol.

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I didn't say you are anorexic, I am not a diagnostician. I said the post displayed symptoms of anorexia, and, not to be argumentative, they do.


I also said if you continue to feel this way you should get help. If you think you are fine then you probably are. But people these days are over-concerned about body image, largely because of idealised images of perfect bodies seen in the media, and it can cause people. particularly girls, to feel bad about their own bodies; these feelings often, but not always, can become serious enough to slip into anorexia.


If someone's head hurts, chances are they have a headache. It may be serious, it may not, but it is still a headache

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