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what do you get a guy for Valentines day?!

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I agree it depend on the nature of your relationship, and the type of guy he is. I actually used to date a guy that loved all the mushy stuff, so flowers and the such were not out of the question. THe guy I see now is not into that stuff, so I will probably just make him a nice dinner.

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What I think would be nice is... since he is your bf... you go up to him, say happy valentines and all, give him a nice big kiss ( i liked that part ) let me say it again... na just messing, anyways... you kiss him and put your arms around his neck, as in... a hug kiss or what ever... and walk next to him for a while and talk. Take a chocolate out, eat a bite from it, than let him eat a pease from it too...


All the gifts and dinner and wasting money is not really important when you actually spend the time to express and show the people you love how much you love them. And a simple kiss can show much more than some over- cooked dinner.... (no offence ladies)


Hope that was something... and by the way... is valentines coming up? If so... when?

Sorry... I'm lost...

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hahahaha, you don't know when valentines is??? it's february 14th silly,

and by the way, i CAN cook!!! very well, so if i made him dinner it would be gourmet, and very yummy. I come from an Italian/Greek family, and i have been cooking ever since i could reach the stove

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alright than.... sorry...

Well you know... I'm from Argentina, and am decendend from Italian and Spanish family so... cooking something good is not very much what I found in America... Anyways, if you put it in a way that you can cook something "GOOD" alright... I'll go with that....

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  • 5 weeks later...

My boyfriend and i have been going out for about two weeks but we had been together before for a while. And i kno he's gonna get me something like a bear or chocolates but i wanna get him something that him'll remember forever and remind him that next time to get me a present that he put a lot of thought into. So have any ideas? It's Friday and Valentines Day is in TWO days! I need help!

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Well it really depends on a guy. Me being a the computer geek that I am, if I got say, a USB Flash drive, or an MMC card for my digi cam, one of those USB drink warmers or something like that, not only would I be thrilled I'd be impressed as it would show a lot of thought and would show that you have thought about what you were going to get me, as opposed to just running out and grabbing the first thing you see.

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