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Left it too long!

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I asked a gurl out by a message in a christmas card and i left it a day or two see if she would reply, but i didnt see her and then the christmas holidays hit. 3 weeks of them! (she went away for the whole holidays) so I have asked sumone out and no reply for three weeks! were good friends so i can easily talk to her so I don't know how to go by it? should I say something like, 'hey there! did you like my christmas card!'


any suggestions would be welcome. cheers and happy new year!

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The way I see it is, if she hasn't brought up the card herself then she may be feeling confused or unsure how she feels about it. Give her a little while to see if she says anything about it. Asking her out in a Christmas card was a cute idea, but I much rather a guy ask me in person, or at least give me the card in person and be there while I'm reading it. Did you give it to her in person? She should have reacted then. If you gave it to her and she left before reading it, why didn't you give her a call later on? I think if she was really interested you would have gotten your answer right away.


However, if it's been a few days since she's gotten back from vacation and she hasn't mentioned the card, find a way to bring it up. But please, please, don't do it by asking her "So, did you like my card?" It will only make her feel uncomfortable, and unsure of what she should say. I know even if I liked a guy, I still wouldn't want to just come out and be like "Yes! I loved it! I want to go out with you!" She may be feeling shy about bringing it up, so don't hint at wanting her to talk about it by asking "so how did you like it?" If you really want to know how she felt about it, say something more along the lines of "I wish I got a chance to talk to you before you left on vacation, but I would really like to know how you'd feel about going out with me." If she seems uncomfortable, don't force her to give you an answer as that will just make it awkward for both of you.


Basically, just give her time to see if she brings up the card on her own. Good luck!

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