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To shy to ask to kiss

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Ok here is my problem

I'm thirteen years old and I've been going out with this girl for about two weeks. She always looks so pretty and stuff and I wasnt to kiss her but I'm to afriad to ask and I'm not going to take advice from my mom because she'll just say your to young to kiss. How do I know when the time is right and how to get my courage Up?


I still need somemore advice can some one plez help me with my kissing problem

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You dont' have to ask. Just do it. If she doesn't want to, she'll pull away and you'll feel stupid but everything comes with a price. But if she doesn't mind, then she'll kiss back. But I wouldn't come right out and stick your tongue down her throat. Start with a peck.. You just need to have courage. Most girls would rather you just come out and do something like that then to ask.

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Ya I know but one thing is that her Brother he's 15 and he's says that if I kiss her her dad will get mad if he found out and I don't know If she would break up with me. Her brother jokes around alot but I don't know If he's serious or not. What should I do and when would be a good time to do it like the movies etc?

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That would be good. Do it at the movies. How would her dad find out anyway if she doesn't tell him? And why would he get mad over a harmless kiss anyway? oh well, i guess some people are just like that. And if you are really insecure about it , just ask her not to tell her dad or brother and tell her why. I dont know how she would take it but, g'luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Well, joseph, the movies would be ok,but if this is the first kiss, don't you want it to be a bit more personal. And besides that, its really dark, what if you miss her mouth. Or she's really into the movie and she doesn't want to be kissed. Or what if she has popcorn kernals stuck in her teeth. Ever think of that? No, that's just gross...ew. but, Buddy, I don't think you have much of a choice but to ask her. just ask her if you can kiss her. That way, her dad can't get mad, because you had permission...and why would you listen to her 15 year old brother anyway. Oh, and be sure to point out that you really dig her, and you dont' want to have to break up with her. And, yeah. You just need to speak up. I autta know that chicks dig honesty...most of the time. But in this case, honest is good...honest is very good.



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