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Confused... sort of

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I've been going out with my girl for around 4 months now and yes we've gotten to know each other alot more (more into very detail lives) and kissed etc blah blah blah. The thing is, I'm kinda CRAZY about her right now.

I don't know, I guess I just want to hold her in my arms for a minute or two and just share a passionate kiss or something.

But since we see each other at school most of the time - hanging out with friends and we all just play soccer in a circle or something to pass the time; So you get my drift.


I've helped some people on here with some great advice so I know pretty much alot of stuff about relationships, but when it comes to my own - it gets kinda caught up in some sort of.... thing.

I know you guys will probably say something like "Go out somewhere, just the two of you" or something like that - but I've been very busy with school/work and all... hell, I'd do anything just to be closer to her everyday. I've thought about just randomly coming behind her and holding her around the waist but I don't really know if she'd stay with me or just stay for like 5 seconds and leave off (she and I are pretty active/fun/cheerful people, but pretty mature at times)... I'm starting to have a little doubt in myself.

We both don't talk about relationship ALOT but we do sometimes and how it's going. I don't really know what to do.. I'm kind of confused


It might seem like that I'm about to be too clingy to her, but I'm not - because the push/pull attraction.


Many suggestions would be appreciated, especially Ticklebug; because I know she has lots of great-lifesaving advice everytime, but anyone else who could help would be great.


Thanks in advance

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Hey man, I dont think you sound too clingy at all actually. I totally understand that you see her and possibly want to somehow be affectionate with her and I dont think this isn't normal at all. I would say that if I was in your situation I feel like I would be feeling the exact same way and I'm wondering if she is feeling the same way. I dont know man, maybe try going up behind her, if she walks away then it would seem to me that shes not wanting the same amount of affection, and I don't really think she should walk away if she cares about you and wants to show affection too. If she does then I'm not really sure what to think, maybe she doesn't feel the same or maybe she doesn't want to do it in front of friends, but the thing about a relationship is that it requires some amount of alone time, to just be together you and her. This sounds nothing more than a friendship in which you guys have some feelings and sometimes express them towards each other. All I can really say is try to get her alone and see what she thinks about possibly going out to the movies or something, make time for it. Thats all I can really say, pm me about what you decide and what happens.

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