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Can You Make Your Brain Fall Out of Love?

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No I have not tried. And no I do not believe this works at all. People should and have to learn to deal with things. There is no easy way out. If things like this actually worked, therapists all over the world would lose loads and loads of clients.


And IF it worked, what then? The next time you got dumped, you do it again? And again and again?

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I have actually tried it before. It works wonders wink


But seriously though there are cognitive strategies for getting over break ups. Not everything is snake oil


I'm sure there are. From Neurolinguistic programming techniques to simple meditation, there is an abundance of tools used to deal with the pain. But ultimately, you're still dealing with the pain. Choose what works best for you, I say. But be present in the moment and deal with root of the problem (attachment) and that, I believe, will have a more lasting "cure" than masking the pain with hypnotherapy or whatever.

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