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My life has been rough lately, b/c i have hated myself for so long! Every morning before school i'd look in the mirror and wish i was some one else, a better person on the inside & out. My friends want me to be this shy, quiet, and normal teenager like them.. but they know as well as i do i always wanted more than to be just normal! In their eyes my life was great.. good family, a nice person, me being this average size girl, getting what she wanted.. but yeah i got some things i wanted but not the thing i wanted more.. to be myself! I put on this fake smile, and told them my life was good. It was/is, my family love me, and my height and size are average.. but i want to be noticed. Not to be quiet and shy.. too shy in fact! But today when i was @ my Psychologists.. we talked about being myself and why not dress, act, and do the things i want.. and finally i figured out alot more about myself... so here is the only thing that is bugging me, and please help... to change my "whole style" right in the middle of the year.. is that corny?

Cause i'm still going to be nice, probably nicer, and i won't have to hate my looks and feelingd and life anymore.. but still do you think to change right now would be.. weird, corny.. stupid? Just looking for your opions!

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Changing for the better is not corny, weird, or any of the other things. You should do what is best for you, and this newfound confidence boost will surely lead to greater and bigger things for you. Sadly enough, it is blatantly apparent that nowadays people are insanely preoccupied with their own lives, so few people may even notice this change. And if they do, they will recognize that it is a positive thing, not something which is "stupid."

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