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I don't like my voice

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All u have to do is think about who you want to be or what you want to be like and be like that. I use to not like my voice and then I just figured that I was going to act the way I want to truly be. I hope this makes sense to u later.


p.s. the other option is to just accept who u really are. Later

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Great advice, Iceman.


I haven't heard your voice, T.U123. I'd have to hear it to tell you what I thought. But getting left out, hung up on, is just not what should be happening to you.


I love the advice of taking vocal lessons as it improves your speaking, breathing, builds muscles in this area. How do you know you don't have this voice for like a very special reason? What if you turn out to be one of the best singers around?


Do you sing? Play an instrument?


Shoot. God gave you the voice you have. Let's see what you can develop it into and do with it. It's not the "ugly duckling". It's different. And who *isn't* different, one from the other.


Once you begin to really appreciate your differences as well as your voice, others' remarks, actions and opinions will start to bounce off of you and many will begin to like you more than your voice.


So, do you sing?



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Oh, I forgot to add that maybe you can find a good vocal teacher for an affordable price. I know someone who when he lived in Seattle had to pay $120.00/hour for vocal lessons. But the teacher was good. I now take jazz piano and my teacher is a phenomenal pianist and charges only $30.00/hour. He's become like a mentor because he also teaches me about the whole jazz world, instruments, arranging, all music, you name it.

This is a very GOOD deal.


You can find someone. If you of all people hate your voice, what will happen to the rest of the world when they meet you and get to know you. Your dislike of yourself may repel them. You must learn ta' have confidence.


What are some of your other phenomenal qualities, TU123? Let's hear it!



..that is if u want you can tell us...



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Okay, if you can buy a vocal workout tape, this can help you too. Vocal exercises. Don't give up hope. You're giving up too early and you haven't even sounded like you're considering anything we're telling you.


What are your other good qualities? You have them. What are they?


What do you like most about yourself? Not just physically, but personality and talent wise?


Let's hear it!



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Hey Unknown, I am going thru the same thing as you! I too am black, I am 18 years old and I have the whitest voice around. People don't like talking to me because they hate the sound of my voice and black people (boys and girls) keep away from me because they think im (whitewashed) or not black enough. I would say just try to accept urself but being that I am going thru the same thing I know that's not always the easiest thing to do. Hang in there and if u need someone to talk to i'm here, hehe I need ppl to talk to myself! lol

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Well, being white, I just never knew that other Black peoples don't easily accept other Blacks who sound more white. Of course, so many white people I hear can sound Black. We use the music, rhythms, inflections, etc. So, I don't understand the idea that if a Black person speaks or enunciates as a white person it's an "eek, get the cooties off me" thing.


Each of you should take pride in your heritage, your voice, your qualities, talents, physical characteristics. Be glad you have and are what you are.

Just my pep talk for the day.


I know several Black people who enunciate and speak as White people do. I know several interacial couples.


Train yourself to use, appreciate your voices. Focus on the things you truly like most about yourself. It's not wrong to like things about yourself, you know.


There's a young actor on t.v., older now, who is Black and whose voice is very, very different from most peoples. It's his voice, IMO, which makes him outstanding as an actor.


There's a reason you got the voices and enunciations or whatever that you do. You'll find out eventually what it is. So, hang in there.


Just more thoughts,


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