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Can't get girl to commit

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To sum this up quickly, I've been seeing the same girl now for almost 10 months now, and as far as I know we've been exclusive. (We were a couple once a few years ago for almost 2 years, but I was stupid and blew it.) Anyway, I know she's the girl I want to be with. I'm not saying I want to marry her today or anything, but I'd like a commitment to each other. She's scared because she thinks it may be too serious of a relationship for her and she might not be ready. She does tell me she knows I'm the best for her and that the problem is with her having to straighten things our for herself. How can I get her to see that she already does have herself straightened out? How can I get her to commit to me without scaring her off? I can hardly sleep at night!

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Maybe you could take her to a special place where the both of you could talk about it. I think you should tell her how you feel about her. The both of you need to talk about this cause its important. Tell what the both of you could do together if you two were to make a commitment and why you feel its important that you guys do. Good Luck!

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