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Im young compared to most people on this site... but mature enough to handle most things in my life. And recently ive been getting sexually active with my girlfriend and I was wondering what kind of condom should I use, that would be least likely to break This is soo embarrassing but I just dont know. Like i said I am mature but not enough to be a father.... People with expirence in this area... and know that its hard to ask these kind of questions, thanks for any advice.


P.s. Im 13 - 14 in July

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any sort of latex condom should work. its important that you use it properly, so practice on yourself when you are masturbating. make sure you can get it on securely, make sure it fits right (they do make some of different sizes), etc. if you have any doubts, id go to the local planned parenthood and ask for someone to show you the right way to use it, making sure there is enough slack, etc. but, i doubt you will need to do this! and an important thing to remember is to PULL OUT WHEN YOU COME. if you like to remain inside of your partner, or if your partner likes you to remain inside of her, only do so for a moment. when you wait, your penis shrinks back to normal size, making it so the condom can slip off easily and get "lost" inside of your partner. this is not good, as it means your semen will end up roaming free inside of her! also, i would suggest that she also get on the pill. condoms are effective, but not 100% so. if you are in a relationship with steady sex, its just a smart idea to be 100% safe. you are both really young, too young for any mistakes. many people would probably preach abstinance to you, but im a realist and sex is a reality. but, so is teenage pregnancy. anyhow, your girlfriend should be able to get info on the pill at a planned parenthood. im not sure what the state statutes are where you live, but hopefully they will allow someone of her age to get bithcontrol without having to inform her parents. bc, like most teenage girls, im sure her parents have NO CLUE she is sexually active, and probably would flip.


good luck!

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Actually when I was in high school PLanned Parenthood came in and spoke with us. They said in tests trojan were most likely to break (they're just a really popular commercialized brand) and they said the safest ones were Lifestyles. I don't know b/c I'm a virgin.........but that's what they claimed.

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lifestyle sounds good to me! a good friend of mine is a social worker, and the condoms that they provide to their clients are lifestyle. so, if they are saying "hey, use these to prevent STDs and HIV" (they work with a predominantly gay community, so no pregnancy problems!!) id have to say they are a good choice. and, i think they are actually a bit cheaper???

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