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Hey guys,


I've been cutting for a while... I know some of the reasons, but there's still a big part of me that's asking 'why?'.


Anyway, I went to my doctor.... She's new, still training... About something else...


She saw the scars on my wrists... She lifted my shirt, and saw the scars on my arms.


She made me a repeat appointment for the 20th, which was today.


I go in, and she checks my hand out (The reason I went in the first place!!)


That's OK; it's doing fine...


And she chats with me for awhile, and then checks my wrists, presumably for more scars... Since I only cut on my arms last night, there were none.


She asks me if I want to talk about anything else. I just said no, and she told me to make an appoinment in about 2 weeks, to come back and see her... About my hand.


I REALLY wanted to tell her... But I.... I mean, does this say that I'm doing it for attention, or what?


Should I tell her?


*When she saw the slit marks on my wrists, I made up an excuse about some cat...*


What am I gonna do? What if I'm just doing it for attention?



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You want to talk to her, so do it.


I can guaruntee that the doctor will not think it's an attention plea. They are trained to deal with situations like this, and legally have to provide assistance for you.


I'm glad that you are at the stage where you WANT to talk about your problem, that is a really big thing and I suggest that you do so.


Best of luck.

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I'm no psychologist, doctor, nor do I know you personally, but I can think of two possible reasons for your cutting. One common reason is an inability to outwardly express yourself. Do you find you have trouble expressing emotions? When you get angry or upset do you often avoid the situation and be alone rather then express your emotions, feelings, anger, etc...?


The second thing I can think of is the attention one. Do your parents take an active interest in your life? Do you feel like nobody listens to you? etc...Obviously it's not that cut and dry, but i'm no professional...

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i can't really imagine that he is cutting for attention. Isn't cutting like something that people are ashamed of and keep secret?\


When a doctor is checking you over, there is hope that they will help you with what is really bothering you. the thing is she is a medical doctor and you need a therapist who can talk you thru your feelings.


When you cut you are thinking about the thing or person that you want to be and you are punishing your body for not being perfect, isn't that the feeling that you are expressing?

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i once heard a wonderful quote that went something like. 'humans need attention, when they are infants they need attention to survive and when they can care for themselves they need attention to stay sane.' well i think it's perfectly healthy to do want attention. talk about it. she would blast at you or anything. its a doctor they're there for the well being of a patient and will do watever they can to help you. good luck.

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Hey there. First of all, the most common excuse in the book for cutting is "a cat scratched me". She's a psychologist...she's seen your other cuts....trust me, she knows you cut. My oppinon is that yes, you should definetly tell her. And, although part of you really does want the attention, that is not a bad thing. It's all just another part of the whole picture. You obviously want to talk about it, and it sounds like you want to get over it. If you want to get better you'll eventually have to talk it out. She can help you work through it...it's what she does . She already knows...not admitting it and owning up to it is just going to make things difficult. If you truly want help, be honest and tell her what's going on. Tell her how it makes you feel and all the things you think about when you do it. Don't just get hung up on the physical aspect...but the psychological and emotional as well...cuz that's where the real problem lies.


Good luck to you.

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when i was younger i used to cut myself aswell, i look back on it now and i feel disgusted with myself. i knew it was wrong but i carried on and that was what upset me more. i used to think that doing that was the only way to express my anger and emotions. i did wrong by thinking there was no-one that could help and keeping everything bottled up inside me. the only way to get rid of something thats inside is to let it out, so i strongly advise you to speak to the doctor and express all of the bad things that make you want to harm yourself. serioulsly when i look back at how alone and insercure i felt because not expressing my feelings to someone who could help i feel ashamed. so tell someone who can help honest it's worth it!

all the very best and let us no how you are getting on good luck

p.s (the thing about the cat scrates im sorry to say but it is really blaent i tryed that and it made things worse) xxxx

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I really don't think that you are doing it for attention. From my experience it's better to tell some one... although it's really hard at first, but once you get if off your chest, you'll feel better. And she's already seen your cuts, so it's that much easier. But, my advise would be just to go with your instincts. If you find you don't want to tell her, don't. It's not good to do some thing you aren't comfortable with. Well, that's not my best advise but, hey, I helped...

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no i don't think your'e doing it for attention. but you do need help. tell her..or tell someone. they can help you. i used to cut, but i quit. you can too! we're all here for you..so please talk to someone about. you need to quit before you hurt yourself too badly. cutting too deep around wrists or someone could really hurt you..you might die or even lose function in those parts of your body. you never know. just please get help before it's too late. we're all behind you! check this site out for help



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