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Help I like this girl BUT......

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K heres the thing,i asked her to this dance right and i really like her alot.She said that she couldnt cause tennis team is going out of town.She told me she wouldve said yes and that she was sorry.then i said well maybe another time and she said yeah that would be cool.

K heres my dilemma,I want to go out with her but i dont even know if she has a boyfriend and not just that i dont wanna ask her out her say no and then i ask her do the next dance.Cuz it just feels kinda awkward.I mean maybe im just bein retarted.should i ask her out? and if so how should i do it.How am i gonna ask her if she has a b/f without being obvious?im stuck and thats where i need yalls help.If i ask her out and she says no then it will be especially awkward to ask her out to a dance.And i dont know if i would be coming on too strong

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Well... if she said, she would've said yes, then she probably doesn't have a bf, but just ask her to be sure.. there is nothing wrong in asking a girl if she has a bf!!! And you kinda aleady asked her out.. so i believe you can do it agian... ask her if she wants to see a movie but ask her how her tennis thing went 1st.. and just ask her out, and your not retarted...


This is just a suggestion.. do what makes you feel comfortabl..


Good luck!!!!

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It is going to feel awkward no matter what. The thing is though, it sounds to me that she already likes you or would like to go out on a date or whatever. You put yourself out there and risked rejection (she respects that). She said no, but she had a pretty darn good reason.


I don't see why you shouldn't ask her again because she gave you the green light. She said that she would go if she didn't have to go play tennis and also she said, maybe some other time. Next time you see her like the last person said, ask her how tennis went. She'll tell you a little bit about it and then you can ask her a few more questions like if she says it went pretty bad, you could say, "well, how many more games are left? you'll get em next time" or if it went good say that you are glad to hear that. well don't say EXACTLY that but just show some interest in her and what she does. Don't ask her out yet. Later on in the day your next convo should be something like this: "Hi (her name), my friends and I are going to see (whatever movie) on Friday around 8 o'clock...can I save you a seat?" Be sure to already have a Date and Time planned. If it doesn't work for her then say "What day would be good for you?" Oh yeah, SMILE while you're saying this, even if its just a little one and don't fidget or say anything else until she answers. The trick is to let her think you are SUPER CONFIDENT even if you don't feel like it. When she says yes, then you'll gain some more of that confidence that she likes. She is doing the same thing... YOU make HER nervous but she won't show it. If she says no, don't be too down about it, you might feel like crap but just say "Ok but if you change your mind let me know, I'd like for you to come.(SMILE)" then walk away being your busy, confident self. it leaves a bit of mystery for her to wonder about and you arent crying in a corner just because she wouldn't go out with you (even if you really feel like doing that she doesnt know it!)


The thing is girls are just like us, they are nervous and shy also. they seem like these GODDESSES, but deep down they are scared and insecure as well. Your job is to not come accross that way to her. Thats why girls seem to like all the jerks in school...they come accross as confident (even if they arent). Don't be a jerk, but you can always borrow some of that confidence from them.


I hope this works out for you. Let us know how it goes! Just some side notes: If you go with friends then it could give you more stuff to talk about. You might have trouble coming up with conversations on your own so friends take some of the pressure off. Or if you want it to be just the two of you then that works also, but be sure to go to the movie first, (might have to be an earlier show) and then go grab a bite to eat... you'll have something to talk about (waht you thought about the movie)!

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Ya i agree with the comment to ask her out because she said she would have said yes so she prolly doesnt have a boyfriend.So i say just wing it and go for it.I have a feeling she might say yes so just go for it but iono i might be stupid and wrong.But the worst thing is her saying no and thats not abad thing then just be friends with her.Good luck.

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