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what makes a man "good in bed"?


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Someone who sees sex as an experience, not just an act, and is more than willing to bring me to orgasm multiple times....someone attentive, where I feel that I am an integral part of the process! Someone who has listened or paid attention to what I like and does that, who can be both soft and sweet, and play rough too (depending on my mood). Someone who is also willing to experiment and is comfortable talking about sex and works towards a healthy sex life. Someone who will pleasure the whole package...body, mind, soul and not just focus on certain areas. Who knows that foreplay starts LONG before you ever take your clothes off.

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Well for me i want to feel that its very passionate in bed. I want to feel that he wants me and wants to please me, he's not just wanting to do it for his own relief.


Communication is probably one of the most important things in bed besides having the physical and emotional connection. I need to know what he wants and vice versa, also whispering nice things during sex is a big turn on.


Spontaneity. How bout suggesting a different place or position instead of making sex a regular ritual. Spice it up, throw in a surprise, massage oils, body chocolate u name it!


Lastly make sure if you get off that your girl does too. Don't just run away as soon as you have finished, she has the same needs that you do.

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Patience, consideration, tenderness, adventerousness, chivalry, subtle gestures beforehand, enjoying the experience. When the act is just to get off without giving pleasure to his partner, then it's not always enjoyable. But there's nothing wrong with just sex for sex's sake. Sometimes, like, the biological drive just takes over and you have to do something about it.

I don't have a problem with that, as long as for the most part there is patience, consideration, tenderness, adventerousness....


Absolutely gotta love libido.





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