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My girlfriend just broke up with me because of her family

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I have the biggest problem ever, most of you probably heard this problem over and over again, but yesterday my girlfriend broke up with me dont get me wrong she is very sweet and nice, but her family is very strict, her brother found out about me and told her off. She says she still loves me and she really wants to still be with me and i feel the same and i was wondering, how i could get around this and still be her girlfriend?

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This is a hard one, well lets see it think that ifd you really want to be with her then you need to step up and do something, i remember when i had a girlfriend and her mom never liked her dating me, but we dated secretly. I hated it so i told her that we should just be friends we would always have to look out and make sure her mom is not around i know it sounds funny but its how it was, i know that if you secret date you will hate it so you either stand up for your self or dont.


good luck! 8)

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Hi there...


This is my first post here, and hopefully not my last.

I don't know if I will be able to help you much in terms of what to do, but I can at least tell you that you are not alone.

I have also recently broken up with my girlfriend due to family issues. The problem was on my side. I have been going out with this girl for about 3 years, but things started going sour family wise about a year and a half ago. Since then we have been secretly dating. And as sTasios7 says, it's a hard one. The problem was between my mom and hers. Initially things were fine, she'd visit my home, no problems. She'd even sleep over, no problems. Then one night, something happened between them that made their relationship between each other deteriorate. Today, my mom doesn't want her in her house (Which I still live in).

Despite trying to get the two parties to see eye to eye, things were never the same, and guess who's in the middle of a mom and a girlfriend? Yep!

Well recently, I broke up with her due to this reason, but I think I'm starting to regret my choice.

I don't know if I did the right thing, but things between her and me were also on the downward slide.


Like I said, not sure if can assist you, but you know at least you got a friend out there with a similar problem. 0X

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