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Girls always seem to be stupid when they are teens

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i think i can explain, but your gonna have to elaborate for me, like why you think this?did you run into a 'hot girl' that acted like an idiot, was it her friends maybe?. Thats a pretty harsh statement to make........damn i could even say the same thing!lol


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Yes, there are quite a few teenaged girls who could be considered stupid.. Heck, I've called a few of them that myself... but don't you think you are going a little overboard with saying


All the hot girls are idiots, and all the ugly ones are smart


You saying that is the same as if I were to say, all teenaged boys are immature and seven years behind the girls. That all the hot guys, are dumb jocks, and the smart ones are geeky nerds.


Now tell me... is that true?


Maybe you should start thinking with the right head.

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I would love to know the evidence you have for this claim! I am a 17yr old girl and i don't consider myself to be particuarly stupid and many guys have told me i'm beautiful! - ok i know some of us girls are seen as being and acting very stupidly sometimes - but doesn't everyone! most teenage guys are not exactly Einstein and Romeo rolled into one now are they! As you haven't given any specifics i can't give you any advice here apart from maybe to lighten up a little and start seeing other people (and quite possibly yourself) in a more positive light!


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I think i understand what he means. Where i ocme from, we have a word called 'Bimbos' - they are girls that are good looking, but dumb.

I agree that alot of smart girls arnt so good looking, and a alot of good looking girls are dumb, but they arnt all like that. I guess most smart girls just dont spend as long putting make-up on and stuff, and like different things. Not all boys like football for example, so maybe not all girls like make up and stuff.

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