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can love end just like that

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no of course it cant. love isnt like flipping a switch, it takes time to build up jus like it takes time to fade. but if u really luv somebody i dont think they'll actually eva fade away from ur heart. but if ur really gaga ova ur gf then u shudnt be really worried abt either of u falling out of luv...

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Nah, love cant just end, if it is true love then it will never ever fade, me and my girlfriend broke up over a month ago, and i still love her more than anything and i possibly love her more now than i ever did, so hopefully, she will feel the same and we will be otgether again! hopefully soon, but im prepared to wait because she is the one for me and i feel that we are made for each other!.


So love cant just end like that in an instant! and if you and your girlfriend love each other, then you have nothing to worry about mate! good luck to the both of you!

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There is real love and fake love.


Real love is actually when you want to be with the person and get to know them. You are interested in helping them grow stronger throughout their life. If it's real love, it will fade...not evaporate before your very eyes.


Fake love is what most people call lust. You don't really care about the person, or only enough to want to be intimate. Lust/fake love will just go away like that, not fade.

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