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Is the phone REALLY that effective in keeping friendships

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solid? I work full-time in the city and my current buddies are still new buddies, (which means that I've got a ways to go before we're tight like Cheech and Chong) and unfortunately the only way to keep in contact with them throughout the week is to call them.


But I'm not a phone person and sometimes 2 weeks go by until I contact them at all..on the phone or in person. It's a bad habit and doesn't help me at all because I'm trying to reach a plateau where I don't have to worry so much about calling a friend. But should I make time every weekend to hang out with my buddies in person? I feel like doing that, however sometimes i want to relax (I work as an apprentice in a construction environment) and do nothing. My buddies on the other hand are college students who work part-time and so they actually have more flexibility to do things. The main thing that I don't want to do is portray the image that I'm someone who's anti-social.

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You could always invite your friends to just come chill with you and watch a movie or something. Even college kids like to just sit back and relax sometimes too. Also if you can't really keep in touch by phone, have you tried e-mails or text messages? Those are just as effective ways of keeping in touch with friends as a phone call.

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