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hey all jus t a question.... i need ur advice tell me what u think...


theres this guy around the corner that i really like and have for 1 year or so. we know each other but ive never said much because im way too shy. we're always running into eavh other and stuff but i can never work up the courage to talk to him. what do i do?

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How old are you and him?


Anyways, find the courage within you to speak to him. Where do you usually run into him at? Your home? School? You have to put in more details for me to help you. Basically just find your inner self...and take a deep breath and say "Hey, what is your name?"...."My name is ______. Nice to meet you, and stick your hand out".. This is an easy way for you to start out as friends because you both are now introduced. Spark up a conversation like you do online basically.....You can use your online techniques for outside use! lol. That is what i used to do because i used to be shy to, but now i'm a talking machine!!!!!


Write it up in more detail though so i can assist you better.

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hey thanks for your help!! ok umm were both 16. he always skates past my house and he came over to my house once for dinner ( famil y friends). i know hes shy too but im not sure if im reading intoi it too much i.e he might not care at all. when someones looks away or doesnt look at all is that bad?


we keep kinda running into each other but it might just mean nothing to him. he skated past my house the other day while i was there.. we both just kinda stared for w hile and didnt say anything but he might just not care... i dont know.... what do i do? if i just suddenly talk to him will he be freaked out?? thanks for your help@!!!!!

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It can possibly be that he is shy to. You're at that type of age in which you can get shy when you are talking to the opposite sex because you are actually new to this REAL dating scene in which you can fall in love with someone easily. 16 years old is always the hardest age to get through.


Next time he comes around your house skating pass. Wave at him or you can tell him to come here and help you with something..you know ....do the girl "thing" to attract guys lol. "hey can you come here...i need help with something. When you are already talking to him, it is easy to get in a conversation with him.


There are plenty of ways to attract attention....you can even take a walk while he is skating around. You can also compliment like..."You are a pretty good skater, i been watching you."


Basically just be nice to him. When both of ya'll click, the shyness will be gone. Being shy is something temporary. You can always eliminate that feeling!

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