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15 year old italian boy wants back his ex gf

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Hey guys swear to god, my relationship was paradise man, when suddenly i got dumped out of the blue, because i didn't talk a real lot and because she felt awkward around me, the bottom line is though, everyone noticed how good i was to her, never had a fight, never anything, anyways i figure i can get back with her but i cant do it alone, i need some help guys!!! i havent talked to her in person since the breakup, only via msn messenger, wot do use think? iam going to her house on the holidays with my cousin, because my cousin is gonna hook up with my ex's big sister, guys wot do i do would that be a perfect oppurtuninty to get her back, i really believe iam capable of doing it.... thankyou for your time i apprectiate it.

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I think there's another reason she broke up with you. I don't know what, but definitely something more than that you "didn't talk enough". Even if I'm wrong, there *is* a reason you two broke up and it's doubtful that reason has changed.


Besides that, the fact she felt awkward around you shows one of two things:


(1) Her feelings for you are not strong enough for her to think of you as a boyfriend.




(2) She's just not ready for a boyfriend.


Either way, the point is that she's not comfortable with you; and, you can't have a relationship with someone with whom you aren't comfortable.


My advice? Instead of concentrating on how to get her back, concentrate on how to get over her. Not accepting this break-up will only make things more painful for both of you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey thankyou Amethyst for replying


this topic is really important to me, at least there is one decent enough person to help me out, i dont want to accept the breakup i truly believe that i can get her back and i believe that more since u posted ur reply, i was after all, her first serious bf, and it is really hard to deal with ur first relationship and to know wot exactly is going on, but i figure in a few months time she may be ready, i really love this girl and i think that it was only coz she wasnt ready, if thats the deal i will hopefully be back with her very soon coz i love her so much, its ment to be, i want to marry this girl!!!


i mean if she has time she may come back


if u disagree with wot im saying plz post coz it means alot to me

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i was after all, her first serious bf, and it is really hard to deal with ur first relationship and to know wot exactly is going on, but i figure in a few months time she may be ready, i really love this girl and i think that it was only coz she wasnt ready, if thats the deal i will hopefully be back with her very soon coz i love her so much


That sounds exactly like what MY "first serious" boyfriend said after I broke up with him. He was sure I'd come back to him in a few months, and he did nothing during that time but make plans for when I finally came back to him. But, you know what? I never came back. I moved on with my life while he kept his on hold waiting for his fantasy to come true. In the end, he moved on; but, he suffered a great deal more pain just because he wouldn't accept that it was over.


its ment to be, i want to marry this girl!!!


WHOA! Hold up a sec! It's not "meant to be" just because you want it to be. I hate to be blunt, but: this girl has BROKEN UP WITH YOU. She has MOVED ON! While you are planning your fantasy future as her husband, she's probably out there waiting to see who her next boyfriend will be.


Please, for both your sakes, stop kidding yourself and take a look at reality. She feels UNCOMFORTABLE with you and DOES NOT want to be AROUND you! Does that sound like a girl dreaming of marriage? I don't think so.


I said it before, and I'll say it again. By not accepting that it's over, you are setting yourself up for a load of pain, disappointment, and heartbreak.

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well just lettin u know i just got back with her a few hours ago, me n my cuz went there and i ended up talkin to her, by the end of the day we were back together and i'll tell u what. I knew it would happen and it feels good to be right, our relationship is much stronger than it was and i see little chance of it ending, she is ready for a bf now, she just wasnt ready before but now shes up for it, thanks.

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