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I should hear your advises...

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Hey gentlemen! A couple of months ago I ask for an advice. I was fall in love with my secretary, and I ask if I should try to seduce her... I received three answers: all of them told me to not get involved with her 'cause I could get some problems, such as If we broke up the labour relationship was broken, or worse if she didn't appreciate my tryings to seducer I could be accused of trying to seduce her in work or stuff like that.

Despite this, (damn! I'm really dummie!) I try to seduce her. At the beginning it did work fine. Last week I invite her to a date... And that ruined everything. You can imagine the rest of the story. She was very hurt with me, she barely talk with me... I apologize myself and I promise I'll never ask her for a date in my whole life, and I'll never disturb her again. Despite this she thinks I'm a monster, and she never will forgive me, although my intencion was to meet her better, and never to hurt her... Worse of all, I still love her, and I'm trying to forget her.

Remember this: when u ask for an advice and everybody share the same opinion, follow that advice, otherwise you'll be in trouble.

Thank you very much!


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