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advice needed

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My boyfriend broke up with me about a month and a half ago. Said he could no longer handle a relationship. I thought he probably just found someone else, but, he is still single so this is not the case. I want him back and have been leaving him alone as much as possible as that is the best advice given so far. I want him to miss me and realize what we had. He told me that I was the best person he ever met in his entire life and that I am the nicest person he knows. I treated him wonderfully. My only complaint was not seeing him enough. I only saw him on weekends and I wanted to see him more than that. I dried over it one to many times I guess and the relationship is over. I have started dated again and I go out with friends every weekend now. But, the more I date, the more I think about him. I got flowers the other day from a date I had and actually bumped into my ex (we work in the same building) while bringing the flowers to my desk. He stopped me and we talked. He asked about the flowers and I told him I was dating and that I am not serious with anyone and enjoy dating. He told me to be careful??? I was in a great mood when I saw him. I just wish I knew what he was thinking? Guys, what has gone through your mind the moment you knew your ex was seeing others again? I want my ex back, really. Just know I can't push him and I also cannot put my life on hold in the process. Any advice as to how to get him to miss me and want me back? Is it even possible? And if so, how long does it take to realize you let a great girl go?

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Well i think it depends on the type of relationship you had with him, was it serious...that type of thing. He obviously knows your a great gal, ima a guy and i kinda know what hs going thruogh. Mostly it wont take a guy to long to realize that hes dropped a great girl. If he was reaLLY into you then he probly had other reasons to cut you.


sometimes a good way to make him miss you/ make him feel guilty is, to talk to him, and in the middle of the convorsation randomly bring up on of the special times you and him had together when you were dating.


I think maybe he does miss you already, but since you started dating another guy hes moved on, le him know whjat your feeling, dont maKE him feel to guilty about him self, ya dont want to make him feel that bad do ya?

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Thanks David,


We had a great relationship. Lately, he has been stressed out with work and family. He cannot handle stress and during this stressful time he ended it because he couldn't handle a relationship. He says I wanted more than he did and he isn't ready...All I wanted was to see him more. He knows I don't want to see anyone seriously now. I did tell him that when I bumped into him Monday.....It is just so hard and I am so confused. A week before we broke up he talked about moving in I NEVER BROUGHT IT UP HE DID!!!!!!

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