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this is for all the shy guys


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well there is this really shy guy at my school i have like him for a while and we started talking everyday for about a month and 1/2 well i think he is pretty comfortrable around me but there is still some things that he gets all weird about


not to sound mean but him and I r not exactly from the same crews and that does not matter to me but i think that he thinks that it does


here's and example of what he does

almost everyday he will be somewhere near by me and he will look at me when i am not looking at him he will stand directly behind me and not say anything bascially i think he is afraid to talk to me in front of my friends and i only talk to him afterschool when its just him and I I dont do it on purpose thats just how it ends up


What i am asking is will he ever come out and tell me that he likes me?


and does he want me to talk to him when he stands behind me or next to me or where ever he might be


thanks in advance for your replies i know its kinda confusing but ask me if u have and ?'s


P.S he gets really jelous when i talk to guys which a lot of my friends r guys so i just dont know



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Im a really shy guy. I dont talk alot, but when I get comfortable around someone, then I talk to that person all the time. As a guy's point of view, all I can say is that maybe he feels comfortable talking to you but not to ur friends. Do u ever give him hints that u like him? Like looking at him, then smiling? If he gets the feeling that u like him, then maybe he'll tell you that he likes you. Oh and btw, try to talk to him in a place where you can't be bothered by ur friends.


And what do u mean by not being in the same crew?

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I was that same guy when I was in High School, didn't change until University. So if I were in that situation:


What i am asking is will he ever come out and tell me that he likes me? not unless you somehow brought the subject up or gave him some clear sign


and does he want me to talk to him when he stands behind me or next to me or where ever he might be definitely yes


P.S he gets really jelous when i talk to guys which a lot of my friends r guys so i just dont know if these guys aren't in his "crew" then that will be really tough on him



Basically, if I were him then I would love to go out with you but I would have absolutely no idea what to do and I would be a little intimidated by the other guys you talk to. You need to initiate something, like, for example, asking him to help you with your homework.

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ya ok soo bascially talk to him around his friends and invite him somewhere i forgot to mention that he is moving to a new school in about 15 days sooo i need to do something fast i have known him for 4 years so its cool


But what should i do?


thanks for all the rreplies if u have any others plz. put it

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