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I have a crush on this girl

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There's this girl from my school. I think she likes me cuz I always catch her glancing or staring at me, we used to talk to each other alot. But one time we were talking about her celphone, I asked her for her number and she told me that she cant give it to me cuz she only uses her celphone for emergencies. Also, for the past week she's been ignoring me and stuff. She also makes excuses like doing her hw or busy cooking when I talk to her on AIM. then a couple of days ago, she blocked me. Also, I noticed that when she sees me walking in the hallway to her direction, she turns and go to the girl's bathroom. I really dont understand why she's ignoring me.

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do I know you?? thats what I did....


well... you know what I have a cellphne too but it really is for emergencies that what I got it for, if I WANTED to use to to actually talk I would have to pay it myself, so as long as I do really short calls and use it for emergencies my parents pay..... hm.. maybe she realised she likes you but she doens't wanna get too involved?? I don't even know what I am saying but about the phone, don't take it too personal!

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