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Have you ever innocently met up with ex and started seeing t

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I did.. She contacted me and told me what a big mistake she had made. We started seeing each other for a bit, but I knew that I had changed and she hadn't so we just ended up going our separate ways again. We still talk on a regular basis and are actually good friends...


You situation I am sure is going to be different, they all are, but this was my experience.

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I sure did! We were together for 3 yrs. He broke up with me and eventually I decided i wanted no contact. we ran into eachother a year later. he calle dme after saying it was nice to see me and we should meet up sometime. i was finally ok, over it..but still love dhim deep down. we talked innocently for awhile and he said he wanted to get back together. we dated for a year, and he broke up with me again 2 weeks ago. what the heck huh? all im saying is as much as you may think its innocent, their is always an ulterior motive for why you guys are "friends" or meeting up again. you cant let go of the feelings you once had.

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Heyguys - Yeah thanks for the response.... sorry it has just ended again... there is a part of me that misses her like no other and would take her back in a flash and then there is another part of me that says dont do it to yourself... it will end in pain again!


Probably best I just go in and see how it goes... dont think too much! Then again she may have moved on and has a new bf etc... just may want to see me.. mind you I instigated it but she was rather welcoming of the idea... am not going to contact her until we meet up in 3 weeks....


Things I should/should not do?!

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me and my ex boyfriend still flirt allot! and i mean allot we get on more now but i cant do that no more well i can but i have a date with this cute boy who i love to bits!

love lucy 8) me and my mates r coming to my boarding house and watching a movie \ i am happy

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Yeah, just follow your heart and see ho it goes..even if you are nervous. The best advice i can giv you , though, is dont get your hopes up. Just take things for what they are, at face value. In times liek these, both of you are unclear, so its no even necessary to look to deeply into things, as there might not be much depth, just impulsive thoughts and actions. Im not saying impulsive actions are always bad though. Like you guys may mmet up and just naturally wanna flirt and do whatever you guys used to do. But just be careful , b/c most likey when she sees you she may feel diff than she says or expected. When i ran into my boyfriend, he had actually ben dating a girl at that time for a few months. No one instigated the meeting up of us, but i guess it was his idea. AN sure enough the feelings were still there, and he stopped seeing her, telling her he had feelings fo someone else. Pretty harsh for her, but it was the truth. SO even if theres another guy in the picture, just see her with no expectations and not thinking of the past. It is really unpredicatable what can happen, not that day either. Wait awhile and let them react to the night. see how it goes...good luck!

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'Heyguys' - thanks for the advice - much apreciated and it does make a lot of sense! I will certainly enter the catch-up with an open mind and whatever comes of it, if any, I will deal with and assess after the event. I spoke to a close friend of mine about this and he recently cuaght up with his ex of 10 months and they just had a civl chat and got on fine. He had no inclination to go back there at all... and now they have been back on for 2 months and he is so happy!


In a nutshell... you cant predict the unpredicatable.... relationships are unpredicatable!


I will simply attend, be happy and calm and then walk away with my head up! I will not show any emotion ehatsoever and hopefully she keeps herself in check too...


I will let oyu all know how it goes!

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