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my friends complains, and complains

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ahh i dont know what to do about one of my friends..she is driving everyone crazy. we all take the same difficulty of courses at school, we are all stressed about the future, we all have activities going on after school( ie. basketball, student council, jazz, ballet, volleyball etc). of course we all dont do exactly the same stuff but we are all petty much just as busy as the next. most of my friends (including this one i'm talk about)...my point is we are all busy...but this girl complains, complains, complains and complains even more about how busy she is and how she doesnt have anytime to get stuff done. but get this....she has a SPARE...none of us have a spare, and none of us are complaining like she is....and on top of that...she gets extentions on every single project...NO JOKE. im serious, she'll do anything for an extention, start crying and everything. and i swear she has not been at school on the day of a test EVER. she probably misses 2 days a week on average...because she skipping a test. she has the teachers wrapped around her fingers. she even talked my math teacher into giving her her test back after she handed it in so that she could change a mistake she made...HOW UNFAIR IS THAT??? my friends and i have had it...we don't even want to talk to this girl. she's pushing everyone away...help please....

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Yeah I have a friend just like that too...Its sooo annoying because everyone around her earns their grades...she is constantly sucking up to all the teacher and basically gets everything in life served on a silver plater for her.. But you know what when it comes time for your friend to be independent and make a name for herself in life its gonna come back to haunt her...Especially if shes not really responsible..so just keep working hard and earning your grades fairly and let her be the way she is. I know how frustrating it can be to have people like that around you but all you can do is concentrate on what you are doing and making sure you gain the qualities you need to succeed in life. You really cant change lazy people...Anyway I hope your friend can get herself out of her bad habits.. 8)

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Your friend is probably a little behind maturity-wise (nothing wrong with that). This being said, why don't you ask her why she does all those things if it drives her unhappy? Shouldn't it be a good idea for her to drop some of the stuff she does so she can have some free time?



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Hey... well I am taking a psychology course right now... and we were studying how men and women react differently to each other. It is proven that women use complaining as a way to bond/relate to each other. I don't know if this is the case with your friend or what. But you might want to just keep that in mind. As for the whole getting extensions on assignments and such, I think she just has a problem with her time management and maybe you need to open her eyes to that fact. Maybe all she needs is someone to come down on her and open her eyes because surely you have just as much work as she does... yet you don't have the same problems she always complains about. Just a thought! lol


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hi Dei,


I think we all know people like that. Unfortunately, complainers are just a fact of life. Perhaps complaining is simply her was of relieving all the stress she accumulates because of school, actuvuties, etc. Now, as far as her missing tests, and getting away with things like that, its beacuse people (not you) let her get away with it, they'd rather give her what she wants than pout up with her complaining.


The best thing you could do is try to put up with her, try to be her friend and see if you can help her find solutions to her problems. Be careful though, the last thing you want to do is wind up whining to her about how her whining bothers you, that kind of defeats the purpose of telling her to stop whining.


hope that helped,


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Complaining is sometimes an unconscious way of wanting someone else to solve our problems for us.


In other words, my hypothesis is, she had so much on her hands, she would like someone to take some of her load off.


Did you ask her why don't she reduce the amount of things she does?



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I had a friend that insisted that she hadn't got enough time to do her courseworkd, she had over a month to complete a few courseworks for the same subject as i had, and no after school activities or anything, and she managed to get away with it while i did slaved to do mine on time!

she also has to do child developement, where you have to visit a child every month and see howe she/he developes and take photos and stuff...the child she was doing her project on was the nicec my other friend, so she decided that instead of doing her work she asked my friend if she could have a few photos of her, and oh while she was there could she take a few notes on what she can do too?

im just fed up with her ways, she's takes mornings off if she's tired, she never completes any homework and while she insists she's busy im wondering what the hell with?

she's become like this so much it seems that she can't be bothered with her friends anymore, apparently it takes too much effort!!!!

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