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Can't tell if he's interested..or just being polite


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This reminds me a little of a situation I had recently. And like you I felt after a great first date that suddenly the guy didn't seem interested. His texts became one word answers until I was doing all the work, and I just decided that he wasn't interested and so stopped contacting him. I'm not going to deny it hurt because I really liked this guy. But I know I'm worth something more. I am worth being pursued and being made to feel wanted. And I'm sure you are to, so don't settle for anything less than what you deserve.


Thank you for that.. His situation is different from mine so I don't know if that's it but I feel like if I keep contacting him and I don't get the response I want my feelings will be hurt, so I'm doing like you did and will no longer contact him if he is interested he ll contact me, at this point I can't tell

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