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Relationship with Honesty??? Staying Faithful???

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Loving someone with our heart and soul, staying faithful to him, shared the ups and down in life, stand by him through his difficulties. But discovered he is not been truthful about certain thing.


These questions was in my thought for quite sometime. Just wonder


1) Relationship with Honesty (or Honesty Relationship) do they still exist?

2) Is it really that difficult to stay Faithful in a relationship?

3) Is there True Love and Soulmate? Do they really exist?


Thanks for helping.


Warmest Regards,


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Well I'll give you my opinion on those questions


1) Yes relationships with honesty do exist, you just need to work at it. Me and my now ex, first established that during the first few months. We told each other that no matter what the issue/problem is, we need to be honest with each other (and with ourselves) and be able to sit and talk. To me honesty is related to communication. If you both can be able to sit and talk about things when they happen (not wait a week to say something bothered you) then you both will feel more "honest" with each other. But as you my know, not everyone can be honest, and it is harder for some people to build that type of trust and confidence in someone to be completely honest with them.


2) If you love someone with all your heart, then no one can tear you away, no matter how hard they try to seduce you. Being faithful to someone means that you know in your heart, body, and mind that this person is the only person you want to share your life, and body, with. It shouldn't be difficult at all to stay faithful if the love it true.


3) I do believe in true love and soulmates, especially since my ex is that person. I know that some people may think that I'm saying that just because we broke up, but believe me, she is my true love. You can see true love when the other person really loves you from their heart. Sometimes it's hard to tell, but eventually you will be able to tell if the love you are giving, and the love you are recieving is true and from the heart.

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1) Relationship with Honesty (or Honesty Relationship) do they still exist?

They exist, but it takes time to see who's honest and who's not. Sometimes, you will gain a true friend from get go. Every little action that they show you, shows that they are honest. It's their intentions behind thier actions that really say a lot. For instance, are they consistantly there for you when you are down, and you vice versa to them? If so, then that person truly is someone who you can rely on, thereforeeee, he/she is honest.


2) Is it really that difficult to stay Faithful in a relationship?

Not at all. At least for me, it's not difficult. I think that it depends on a person's character in terms of faithfulness or not. For instance, are they devoted to their family? Do they have good values? Do they do things for a good cause? There are so many things that can determine a partner's faithfulness. One common trait that I find is a person who's commited to anything in his/her life. When someone's really devoted to something, then most likely, they're probably a very faithful person, in general, I think.


3) Is there True Love and Soulmate? Do they really exist?

I believe in true love and soutlmates. Love doesn't happen everyday, but when you run into that person, it's almost like you can actually finally relax and breath. You find comfort in knowing that the other person truly cares for you. And, when you do run into that person, you won't ever doubt their intentions, because they show love to you without you having to ask. In terms of soulmate, they exist too. But, it's rare to find someone who you find that complete bond with. When you do, things just feel right. But once again, it's rare to run into that person who you just feel that strong connection with.

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