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Seeming Outgoing?


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So, I'm one of those people who seems pretty quiet and shy until you really get to know me, but I'm really not shy per say, more like I often don't say anything if I don't feel I really have anything worth saying. Once I get to know people, I can be crazy and loud and seem really open, but before then, people tend to have this idea that I'm really quiet and reserved. I feel like people often think that I'm maybe boring or something because of that.


Also, it seems like it depends on who I am with when I meet something whether I come accross as really shy. If I'm with some of the people I am comfortable with, the new people I meet don't seem to think I'm that shy. However, that's a problem because I often don't meet people when I'm already around people I'm loud with, so that shy thing follows me places and its harder for me to get to know new people because of it.


I'd like to seem more outgoing, but how exactly does one do that? I would like to be someone who seems to know a ton of people, but I really don't know how to go about doing that. How can I seem like a more outgoing person to the new people I meet?

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Do you want to just seem outgoing or actually become outgoing? Changing that aspect of yourself, if it's not because of shyness(fear) is not advisable because you won't be happy then maintaining this facade. You might just be introverted and it's better to learn to love and accept that and learn strategies to cope in a society that devalues introvert qualities over extrovert ones.

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Do you want to just seem outgoing or actually become outgoing? Changing that aspect of yourself, if it's not because of shyness(fear) is not advisable because you won't be happy then maintaining this facade. You might just be introverted and it's better to learn to love and accept that and learn strategies to cope in a society that devalues introvert qualities over extrovert ones.


I would like to be outgoing. I know I'm introverted, and I accept that. But I feel like being outgoing and introverted don't necessarily conflict with each other since I define being introverted as enjoying time by myself to recharge after being with people, as opposed to extroverts who feel re energized after being with people. My dad is an outgoing introvert since he's really loud and likable and always finds ways to strike up conversations, but he really enjoys being at home and having time to recharge. He likes to spend time not being around a lot of other people. I'm just not really sure how to be outgoing and engaging.

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Practice makes perfect, this is incredibly true for our social interactions.

Treat every person as a friend, every stranger as someone you have always known.

Jump at opportunities to meet new people and interact in new ways and throw your cautions to the wind.


As long as you are being yourself, kindness and all, nothing will ever go wrong by your fault.

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