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How do I ask out and flirt with a Shy Girl?


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Well, I meet this girl at this speed dating event about a month ago and right after the event I decided ask her out. So far are dates have been pretty good took her out ice skating, Dinner,Saw a Movie and had lunch together which after I decided to kiss her that was our 3rd Date. Things have been going relatively okay except she doesn't text back much, I may say something or ask about her day and she might get back to me a few hours later sometimes even a day or two. For the most part I think she is busy, but could that a bad sign?


As well another problem is she is really shy or comes off to be to me, I kinda knew this from the first date and think it's actually pretty cute but I find it hard to flirt or anything since she is really shy which makes me shy about doing something and I am not wanting to do anything to make it awkward or ruin something before asking her out on a 4th Date.


Any advice on what to say or do to see if she is interested in being more than friends or actually interested at all? Am I rushing too much after 3 dates and a month of knowing her? Should I play hard to get? Anyway to subtly flirt with her without coming off to strong?

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If the girl you like is shy when you're with her, don't sweat it. Follow these steps to ask her out successfully and without making your experience awkward


Make sure you are alone or at least not as likely to be disturbed. Some shy girls don't like talking in crowds because they are concerned about what all the other people think of them.


Some shy girls like funny guys so if you're a class clown, watch out for her when you make a joke. If she has a big smile then you have succeeded in catching her attention. Take it from there!



Be Confident in yourself. If you're not confident in yourself, how can she be confident in both of you together in a relationship? Look at yourself in a positive way and believe that you are Mr. Right.


Practice what you will say in the mirror. Imagine that you are the shy girl that you want to ask out. Figure out a comfortable way to ask her out without making yourself feel shy or embarrassed. Don't over do it though, you don't want a long speech just a cute conversation.


Approach her coolly. Don't walk up to her like you're about to tell her something that will change her life. Act like you normally do when you are starting a conversation with her.


Start with a compliment. Tell her she looks beautiful in that top or that her eyes are gorgeous. It may seem a little cheesy, but this gives her the hint that you are interested and makes her feel like she knows whats coming.


Ask her out. Say something like "Hey maybe if you aren't busy, we can hang out later." or whatever you want to do with her. Say this with your best smile and while slowly getting close to her.


React to her answer. If she says no, simply back down and say maybe another time. If she says yes, act excited and make plans. Either way, you shouldn't act depressed because this will surely make her even more shy around you.

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