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My x-b/f was like... the most perfect and wonderful guy in the WORLD. He ALWAYS made me soooo comfortable and so.. beautiful and perfect. Just when I was sitting by him, I felt sooo wonderful! Omgosh.... I luved him sooooo friggen much! And, last night he broke up with me.... I wasnt sure if it was possible to actually feel ure heart break right in half.... It was possible last night... U kno, I dont even kno why he broke up with me!! Im not sure if there is something wrong w/ me...?... It was sooo randome! Because, we stared off so great that day!!! I mean, he was talking to me as if he RLY RLY RLY luved me like he use to!! I mean, some of the most RANDOME things came out of his mouth... LIke, he told me to shut up and he was like sqrew u and forget u! And I just hurt sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! I was cring for like.. well... EVER last night!! My eyes are still red from crying... I hurt sooo much last night, that I just wanted to D I hate boys now... well.. not all of them!! I hope u get what I mean! Soo, what should I do?! I keep on playing this song over and over again becuase it reminds me of him, and tears just keep falling down from my face... I have NEVER hurt this much over a guy!!! whats should I do???





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I am so sorry about the break-up. There has to be a reason why he all of the sudden acted like that. It just doesn't make sense to me that a guy would treat you so well for that long and all of the sudden want to break-up with you like that.


Well, if you want to talk, then you can always PM me.

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1) delete that song

2) call up ur friends and go party

3) dont stay home and be alone


a guy wouldnt just leave his girl like that there's probably nothin wrong wid u or he would've mentioned it...it's more probable that he found someone else. so suck it up admit u jumped head first in the relationship and got screwed

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Sounds like this guy plumb lost his mind. Done blew a gasket. Thats the only thing I can think of that would make someone do something so...low. If he comes crawling back, remember the things he said, and make sure he remembers too. He owes you an explination...you may never get it but still, allow yourself to hurt for a bit, and then think of the horrid things he said, and know that he deserves no hurt or sadness over him.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hey aww i know how you are feeling and i really feel for you, life can be so creul sometimes cant it. I know it may not seem like it but it will get easier, when i felt heart broken i actually felt like a pain in my heart and i never knew that was possible. I cried for a week and i didnt eat but then i stopped and took a long good look at myself.

You can do a lot better than him sweetie he is not worth your tears at all!! my first ever boyfriend was exactly the same how you just described yours he made me feel like a princess! and then he just finished with me a couple of days after my bday after he had bought me loads of expensive gifts.

no bloke is worth all this pain! you sound like a lovely girl and you can do so much better than him!!! you just got to be strong, you can do it!!! I am not over my ex at all but the pain isnt there anymore. I think you should do everything to try to make yourself happy: go out with your mates etc. You deserve so much better than him and you will find it. dont waste any more tears on that jerk!!!! Please dont cry anymore and you can talk to me anytime. be strong you can do it, take care x

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