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I like a shy guy....dont know what to do


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OK! So here's the deal. I just got out of a 3 year relationship, but i'm back in the saddle and ready to see other people. I have this one guy in mind, but he strikes me as the type to be REALLY shy. I want to ask him if he has a girlfriend, but I'm scared i'll come off to strongly on him. I think he knows i'm interested, but I can't tell if he is. Since i was in a relationship for so long, I have no clue as to how i need to approch this guy. If anyone has a solution to my problem please respond

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Hello there,

Well I'd say that if he is indeed shy, try to get closer to him, be around him more and more, but do not stalk him or anything like that, try to show him you are interested but do not pressure him, if he reacts positively than that is your "OK", say hello to him when you see him pass by you, or ask him a question and let him start a conversation... In case he keeps avoiding you which might not be the case since you say he seems interested, you'll find another.

Good luck

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I don't want to come on to strongly by just flat out asking if he has a girlfriend. I have a friend that wants to ask him for me, but that seems so elementary to me, yet the way he's going to ask him is very down low...so i don't think he would think that I wanted to know...if that makes any sense.

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Hey squirrley

It's not mandatory to ask him about his personal life right when you start a conversation with him, or just talking with him, now in case you'd rather find out through a friend it would be somewhat better for you, if not then I think it'll be quite easy to know if he has one through his reaction or the way he talks, if he has, he will certainly bring her or refer to her indirectly somehow. If he doesn't then just keep it normal and start of slowly with him, he'll become much more comfortable around you and his shyness with you will eventually wear off.

Good luck again.

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u now when u ask his friend about questions about ur crush-the firend later on will tell ur crush/his friend what u said. so it kinda like why don't u just ask ur crush instead.

Hey squirrley

It's not mandatory to ask him about his personal life right when you start a conversation with him, or just talking with him, now in case you'd rather find out through a friend it would be somewhat better for you, if not then I think it'll be quite easy to know if he has one through his reaction or the way he talks, if he has, he will certainly bring her or refer to her indirectly somehow. If he doesn't then just keep it normal and start of slowly with him, he'll become much more comfortable around you and his shyness with you will eventually wear off.

Good luck again.

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