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From friendship to love


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Hi friends!!!


I broke up with my -ex- 10 months ago. I've met many nice persons since. I have always been telling myself to take it slow, theres no need to find someone else etc. But I have this friend i have always been interested too. Even when I was with my -ex-. We see each other 1-2 times a week and I'm in love with her. I've had a few girlfriends in my life but I've never felt something so intense before. I still see other (nice) girls but I just cant stop thinking about her. Now, I dont know what to do. Should I tell her how I feel? How is she going to react? Will things (the friendship) ever be the same after? Its very confusing, even at 33. I feel like Im 15 now I dont think I'll be able to keep all those feelings for her inside me for a long time. Well, thats pretty much it. I wish for the best. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you!



***English is my seocnd language***

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If you have really strong feelings for her then i'd have a chat with her, let her know how you feel. If you are good friends then i shouldn't think that it would ever destroy your friendship. I was in a similar situation only she had a bf and i had really strong feelings for her but it didn't work out but were still the best of friends.


Yes there's a risk as there is with everything that you do with your life and sometimes you just have to take that risk in order to get the answer otherwise your not going to get anywhere.


You should do what you feel is right, im quite sure that you know what you want to do, then fall what you feel and it should be ok.


Hope my advice was of some help, best of luck


- whitefang

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Thank you both for the advice!!!!


For Kungfumaster: I've known the girl for a long time and its extremely difficult to know what she thinks, what she wants. Yes she's touched me a few times, she's said some very nice things about me. she sometimes tell our other friends that we're together, that we're going to spend the night together. She's slept with me once (no sex). It was during a party. i was not feeling very well and at the end of the party she joined me. She asked me few weeks ago to kiss her so people keep on gossiping about us being together. When we take a spa with friends, she always wants to sit beside me...these are the good signs!!!


the "bad" signs... she's often the first one to leave at the restaurant, at a party, etc. she never calls me. she never comes to my house. She's very independent. I dont hear from her about me from her sister, her friends... (i dont think my last sentence is good English, correct me please). That's it for the bad signs.


God, I love her. I never thought I would be able to fall in love again. That's great! It will event greater if we get together...


Thank you for reading me...Feel free to reply...



***English is my second language***

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thank you Kungfumaster!!!! I'll follow your advice. I spent the whole afternoon with her yesterday. I had excellent vibes from her. I should have spent the evening with her too but I had already made plans. I regret it today but I dont want to be to appear too clingy. Thanx again!!!

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oh my i feel the same about my friend, shes been there for me and it made me relize my friend was always there for me and i should of went for her instead of someone else,although she doesnt know how i truly feel ill keep it to myself because she broke up with her exgirlfriend and her ex is close to me and i dont want to get her mad b/c i know she still has feelings for my friend that i like. i dont know usually best friends that end up together last for a long time,

so i would let her know (u never know right) and like what that other person said if your friendship is that strong it wont matter but dont be to clingy on her u know what i mean.

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wow im in the exact situation right now...man i wish i could help in some way but i actually clicked on your topic because this topic is quite common among other ppl i think...well i think yer in the EXACT same as me...they like us but we dont think so... but if she reeli is a good friend..ask her out! she will notice the feelings for her that you have and will probally be touched...and if she likes to be around you all the time then that is a big clue to me...i hope i helped in some way..but i know how you feel its hard...but no one ever said life was easy!

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