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Love VS In Love

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Love is to love someone as a person, have strong feelings towards them because of who they are, and how they treat you. To be in love is to have extremely strong emotions towards a certain person because of who they are, and who you are when you are with them. To be in love is to love their good qualities, along with their bad. It's a more spiritual connection shared between two people. To be in love is to put the other person before yourself and do everything in your power to make them happy.

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Well it is semantics really but popular culture says there is a difference. I think the best way to describe it is to say that you love your mom, your pet dog, your bothers and sisters. Being in love suggests a more intimate relationship and is usually only used to describe feelings towards a lover, its suggests a relationship involving intimacy.

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hi, well iam new here but according to your question theres a big difference between love and being in love!lets starts about love, love is a feeling yes!a feeling in which you feels to everbody,love of family friends etc.,but being in love is different its bcoz when your in love you cant eat and sleep no joke only but honestly there aresome when you really in love you give everything on that person!!!ers

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For (the Irish) I know infatuation real well, I always say that infatuation leave little room for imperfections meaning when you are infatuated with a person, you never seem to notice or even consider their flaws. I'm sorry to say that I disagree with you on love being infatuation, and I know for a fact that infatuation doesn't last.


For (justagirl20f) I've felt strong feelings toward a person who's emotions were stronger than my own, who's to say that either of us were or were not in love. Our feelings were reciprocated, but my heart kept telling me to continue that relationship would be unfair to my partner, and I had to let it go. Funny thing though, I loved her to death. And still do. I still don't believe I was in love.


For (Sexxxystaxxx) I think you hit the nail on the head when you said spiritual connection with a person, however one of the ways I even know that spiritual connection even exist is because I have that same connection with my best friends wife. I can tell you if she's sick without seeing her or finish a sentence she starts, but I have absolutely no feeling of love outside of friendship for her. My point, just because you have that spiritual connection with a person, doesn't mean being in love with that person is to follow. I do however agree with everything else you said and believe you are a person who truly knows love.


For (Johnagent) Thanks for responding


(Richgabe) I agree with you on being in love is a more intimate relationship than that you share with a relative or close friend, however, I have been in many relationships and aside from the many different corks individuals have here and there, I'm starting to think that the feeling of intimate love, is all the same. It starts off Gushy and ends up fading or being something that requires all the work in the world after a few years. Am I to think that in love is any different, or are we still dealing with semantics.


(jessijess) I'm sorry but that butt survey thing was too funny for me to ignore. Thanx for responding too by the way.


(Sherbet) So you are pretty much saying the same thing that Richgabe is saying with the added point that being in love works on your mind and your appitite. I can live with that.

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Okay it's complicated...


I Love my older sister, she's dear to me and I would do anything for her...including take her place in death if it came to that.


I'm IN LOVE with Isiah... I have a stronger emotional bond with him, than if I just LOVED him.. there's just something special there, I'm not infatuated with him, but I need to be with him, and when he's sad I know it and I'm sad too... I have a spiritual connection with him, but it's different that what some people consider it.. it's just really confusing to explain.


But then I have a spiritual connection with my younger sister, kinda like Boonpop does with friends wife... I know when she's sick and I dont even have to see her.. I know when something's happened to her, and dont have to talk to her or see her.. it's a bond that can't be broken...

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Love is Caring about someone That you can explain and its Not easy but it easier to be like I love you... BUT In love is Wow so amazing.. its a feeling u cant explain.. Nothing can come between the love.. and The first time you say I love you to them anything erbal in person on the phone its so amazing the feelings u get shortly after that...

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