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My fiancee goes crazy when I go to see another girl

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Hello, my name is Shaun, and well I met my fiancee in a chatroom we were talking to each other for about 3 months before we decided to meet and well we met in April Last year and we are still together now, We are engaged, this was my first "Real girlfiend" Everything has been going fine up to now but I dont know what is happening she is keep bringing her Ex into situations that we come accross in our relationship, an example of this is, I was going to meet someone I met on the internet, someone that I have been speaking to for about a year now and that I had been dying to meet for months, I told my girlfriend and she was fine with the idea of me going to meet this girl on my own up until about 1 week before, then she just totally freaked out, she said to me, shaun I dont want you to go, why are you doing this to me, I couldnt make any sense out of her until I actually sat down on my own to work it out, when she split up from her ex, it was becuase he went behind her back, he said that he was going to meet someone that she knew and then went somewhere else but then the person (girl) he went to see addmited to Rachael (My fiancee) that she had sleped with him, now she thinks I am going to do the same, shaun has done this now on a number of occations


Also I live in Manchester and She lives in cardiff so this has all got to go down to trust aswell HELP!


I cant help but think that she feels insecure but, I will wait and see what the experts say, all your help if grately apprieceated Thank you for your time


Shaun Walls

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You don't say why you are dying to meet this other girl you've been talking to on the internet... I think your girlfriend has legitimate reasons to be worried, given her past history, but perhaps there's some detail about this other girl that you missed out of your original post?

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You don't say why you are dying to meet this other girl you've been talking to on the internet... I think your girlfriend has legitimate reasons to be worried, given her past history, but perhaps there's some detail about this other girl that you missed out of your original post?

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