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I don't know if I have a problem or not. I am naturally I think a very happy person because it seems whenever I am just not worried about anything at all and not bored I am rather enjoying myself. When I am out hanging with friends I am usually having a lot of fun, however a good portion of my life is basically depressed. There are some factors like worries and school and my future and stuff which weight down on me but those usually just put me in a melancholly mood. My depression generally stems from my socialization. I like my friends but I often feel like they don't care about me as much as I care about them. By far though the most depression I experience is concerning girls. If there is a girl I like and something good happens I can be in a really good mood, even if it wasn't that big of a deal. But if even the slightest bad thing happens that maybe hints like she doesn't like me or something I usually get depressed. When I say depressed, it is probably not as bad as real depression, but I know I have given my friends many a headache over it and still come out feeling like crap. I have real self esteem issues with girls and don't really think I'll ever have a gf. Also I have this overwhelming desire to just talk to ppl about it. I don't know why but when something bothers me I need to tell someone about it. That kind of why I joined these boards. If ppl tell me I don't have a shot I get sad but think they are probably right. If ppl tell me I do I get uplifted but say they are probably just trying to make me feel better. It seems like there is no way out.


So anyway, is this normal for people who have never had a good relationship? Is this just stemming from my low self esteem and will it go away if my self esteem ever gets better? (And any suggestions for that) Or do I actually have some sort of depression?

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Its normal man. Always just be yourself. with your friends and girls. dont try to impress either group, just yourself. look out for you, cuz even the best of friends wont look out for each other and a women is always looking out for herself. They have the most to lose. Be happy that you have friends, even if they are no deeper than a glass of water, be happy that your going to be a man soon, its tough yes, but so will you be. There is a women for every man so dont worry too much about that. YET!!! youll wish you were 16 again soon. And hey, your friends might be feeling the exact same things as you!, but they just keep it to themselves, so ya talk to us, if ya want to see a counselor , do it, theres nothin wrong with talkin is there? thats all friends do, except they dont have degrees, or patience. Or a fee schedule !!! haha

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