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questions about life and love

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hello all


i have some hypothetical and philosospical questions about life and love and would appreciate some helpful insights from those in the know


- does everybody find love ?

- can a man be an island ?

- can you live an entire lifetime without ever really being loved ?

- at what point can you not stand alone anymore ?

- what does the future hold ?

- what percentage of people simply settle ?

- why cant i bring myself to settle ?


any ideas ?



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I'm not really in the know - but i'll try...


does everybody find love ?


This is a tricky one i would like to say yes because you should always have hope. But the realist in me says the truth is closer to a no. Some people will lead lives devoid of love.


can a man be an island ?


don't understand this one.


can you live an entire lifetime without ever really being loved ?


yes - scary i know - but the truth is that if ever there was a definition of hell it would be being alive - thats why i don't believe i have any chance of going to hell - i'm already here....think about the terrible things that go on in our would, and people just stand by and let them happen - and i'm sure you've heard of global warming.....


at what point can you not stand alone anymore ?


depends on you really - some people never want anyone or need anyone.


what does the future hold ?


who knows a combination of luck and what you make for yourself.


what percentage of people simply settle ?


100% to a degree when the they realise thats the only option. (see below)


why cant i bring myself to settle ?


human nature - you can never be totally satified - true perfection has to be imperfect by its very nature. So you will never find the perfect situation you are seeking - a part of you will always be seeking something more.


any ideas ?


Always have hope because without that you can never experience anything good.

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yes, I would like to share stories. Here is mine, I was married to a guy for almost ten years. I came home from work one night early and walked into my bedroom and found my husband having sex with my best friend. Not only was I betrayed by my husband I also was betrayed by my bestfriend. I can't look either one of them in the face they both make me sick and it's a vision that will be stuck in my head forever. But through the help of my friends and through years of counseling I made it out of that hell and have move on to someone so much better.

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yes, I would like to share stories. Here is mine, I was married to a guy for almost ten years. I came home from work one night early and walked into my bedroom and found my husband having sex with my best friend. Not only was I betrayed by my husband I also was betrayed by my bestfriend. I can't look either one of them in the face they both make me sick and it's a vision that will be stuck in my head forever. But through the help of my friends and through years of counseling I made it out of that hell and have move on to someone so much better.


how long ago did this happen? My husband of almost 10 years just walked out on my about 2 months ago. I am devastated -- i know he is staying with a ex-coworker/friend of mine -- they both swear nothing is going on -- but who knows -- she lied to me for a week or so when they were talking on the phone and i had no clue where he was at -- i filled my boss in and they fired her - i work in a small office -- so there was no hiding the tension between us.... im hoping i can get out of this hell im in right now -- and move on -- a success story is very welcome at this point in my life!!

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This happened to me about two years ago . And at first it was very hard for me to deal with because hearing that your husband is cheating on you is one thing but seeing it with your own eyes is another. And then to find out that it was my best friend he was sleeping with. But I did eventually get over it . I got on with my life and i met a really nice guy that takes good care of me. I look back at my wedding pictures and at my husband and think what a fool I was waisting all those years on somebody so unworthy of my love.

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hello sash


amgoing to post th efull version of my heartbreak today.

still working on writing it


the temptation in your situation is to believe that he never loved

i have been there

but thats not true

he did love you and although he betrayed you it was once real


remember - it was his issue within him

not your fault


glad your happy now sweeti


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Hey Jackson,


I think the answer to all your questions is YOU.

I didn't find love in my 20s because I wasn't looking for it. I've realized I have to find it.

When you said would you have to settle? No, absolutely not. But is the vision of your girl realistic or drawn so narrowly that no one can meet your demands?

Are you putting roadblocks in your way? I think this is the question you should ask yourself. And if the answer is no, well then, just keep looking. If it's yes, start trying to remove those blocks.

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