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I don't know if I should call him?

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I was dating this guy for 6 months long distance and I recently found out he didn't want to talk to me anymore. I overheard him say this to someone when I had called. (I don't think he realized he answered the phone.) Anyway I tried to call him back because I wanted him to tell me straight up he didn't want to talk to me anymore. Well he ended up turning is phone off.


After feeling a knife go through my heart I decided to write him an email which basically gave him my heart on a silver platter. (I know, shouldn't have done that) Well anyway, he ended up calling me four times the next day but I didn't answer my phone. I basically put my heart into this letter and now nothing has been said since it. He ended up leaving me a voicemail saying he wasn't sure if I was busy or just not picking up but to text him if I didn't want to talk to him anymore because he didn't want to call me if I wasn't going to pick up. Well I haven't done anything. This was on Monday and its now Friday. Its breaking me apart because I really don't want to end things with him.


I am trying to be strong and wait for him to call me again and then I figure we could talk about it but I don't know if I should let him realize what he is missing and just not answer. I guess its pretty obvious he doesn't want to be with me since he isn't calling but then again I don't know. I guess a part of me wants the closure of the relationship but at the same time I don't want to hear its over. I wish there was something I could do to make him be with me. Is being a *PROFANITY DELETED BY MODERATOR* the solution and ignoring him. Do I give in and call him to talk about it? Do I just break up with him? So hurt and confused. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Sorry to break it to you, but it sounds to me like no matter what you do you're going to end up in a rut. If you don't call him, he certainly isn't going to call you since he's waiting for a text message plus he actually said he didn't want to speak to you any more, so chances are since it's a long-distance relationship he's just going to move on with his life and you'll never get any closure. And if you call him and try to work things out, I honestly don't think that'll do any good because he doesn't sound very happy with the relationship, so the two of you will probably agree on a break-up, which will give you closure but will leave you very hurt.


Out of the two, I'd go with the second option. Text message him saying you were hurt by what you overheard and you want to talk to him about it, and hopefully he'll call you. Then move on from there. Is there a slight chance that you completely misunderstood what he said?

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i didn't misunderstand him. He said "I am TRYING not to talk to her anymore", so I don't understand why he is calling me then. Granted I did write him a very personal email and he did try to talk to me after that, but I just ignored his calls on Monday. I just want him to call again I guess so I can move on with my life. I just hope he realizes what he lost.

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