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hey. Me and my ex have just about decided to get back together. there is only one problem, I'm moving away for a few months. I'm not moving that far,but far enough to be a long-distence-relationship.

My ex is afraid that one of us will end up hurting the other. I just want to know if there is a way to convice her that everything will be alright, and I could use some help on keeping a long distance relationship.

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Long distance relationships are built on trust. I suggest that before you leave, sit down in a nice quiet place with her and ask her how she's feeling, like ask her to really open up to you about the issue. Tell her how you feel, ease her mind, and make sure that your relationship will be built on trust. Keep in touch but don't spend too much time missing her while you're gone, or else you'll just be miserable, and so will she- think of it as your time away, and when you return your princess will be waiting for you.

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