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how do i deal with jealousy


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I'm going out with a girl whose pretty sexy. She loves me and I love her too.Like I mentioned she's pretty sexy, she always has a lot of guys stalking her, telling her she's really sexy,bla bla bla. I know that she doesnt care about those guys and that she loves me,but still it REALLY pisses me off whenever someone says anything like that to her. Today she got an email from this guy in her school saying "Hey whats new.By the way you got a nice [PROFANITY REMOVED BY MODERATOR]". lol. I was so enraged to read that, that I would have really ripped the guy apart if he was near me. And I dont know but whenever something like that happens I end up being mad at her and wanting to dump her. And the same thing happens even if she's even talking about a guy, even if he's a TV star. Like some days back she told me that when Toby Mcguire got his shirt off in Spider Man 2 she almost drooled to see his abs, and I was mad to hear that. I know that when you're a 14 year old girl this kind of things happen all the time and I want to be cool when something like that happens and not get upset. But I have had no success so far. Has anything like that happened to any of you guys and how should I deal with it?


thanks in advance!


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well really i think with age this problem of your will go away.


I think we have a small misunderstanding here..i'm not the one whose 14,she is.LOL . I'm 16.


Anyway i got your point.I know this problem will go away with time but what should I do right now?I dont want to get upset everytime something like that happens.what should I do?

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i mean its not like I can never think about it.I have to find another solution so I dont get pissed off whenever she talks about another guy or another guy hits at her.I'm not asking for a way to stop them from checking her out or to have her never talk about a guy,what I'm really asking is a way I can keep cool while anything like that happens and not get totally mad.There's got to be some way!

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My bf and I are 24 yrs old and he LOVES it when other guys say that I am sexy or have a really nice "something"..... he loves it because he has that girl and they dont and never will....


Also, I wouldnt worry too much about her saying stuff about actors and stuff.... its just something that all little girls do..... Now that I am 24.. I dont have little infatuations like that... I may see a guy in a movie and be like "oh he looks good" but its nothing important enough to say anything about.... also.. she is just trying to see if you get jealous... I think thats a way some girls see if their man really cares about them....

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Um get over it? Other guys are always going to appreciate a pretty girl.


Just be proud that you're with someone so gorgeous and that she loves you back.

Think about it. If what you say is true, that she loves you and stuff, you must see that it's totally irrational for you to get so annoyed that other people think your girl is beautiful like you do.

Think of it as a compliment to you too.

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Tell ya one thing... a little jealousy is not a bad thing...it does show that you care about this person... Too much is very bad. I know from experience. You end up trying to control the other person and that my friend doesn't fly.


Just chill... It's a question of being sure of yourself and of your partner. Trust is of the essense. Ask yourself the question: Do i trust this person? If the answer is positive, then don't worry. And if someone whistles her way or flirt.. be proud... you've got someone in your hands that other guys envy you!


Trust is everything.

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high! i can understand where your coming from....i mean from where your feelings hit....ya know? the best advice i can give you is that you should just take it day by day and dont let it bother you. if you really love him....you'll believe him. i understand that its very uncomforable to see pictures of his ex but if he didnt love you would he still be with you? i think that you should just enjoy the time that you have together b/c maybe one day....it wont be there....

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