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The Thoughts are coming back...

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I thought of it once and it wasnt as bad as this time now iam cutting shooting and even drinking poison which is now i believe starting to slowly kill me i have been at this for a month and the half or so and ya guess no1 cares just telling ya i may not be around this time seeing the fact i just drank sum soda mixed with this poison stuff anyway its been fun but bye now

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Go tell your mother or someone you trust what you are doing.

You should be out having a wonderful time at your age, there is so much to do. Are you playing sports? What are your hobbies?

I know I am much older than you and not alot of kids your age like to listen to adults but I have a feeling you may, as you seem to want to someone to talk to.

First thing first, stop trying to harm yourself! Why do you want to do that in the first place? Start listening to some happy music, instead of dark things, the kind of music we put in our heads can attribute to our emotions. Next step, is talking to a parent and telling them all your feelings. You could be depressed and need some proffesional help that is all. How do I know this? I raised two sons, one was suffering from depression, although he wasn't trying to harm himself, the signs were there, I got him help and it wasn't no time at all, he was feeling better. But you got to talk to someone asap. Okay? Cara

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I'm new here, so i'm not aware of problems you may have. Why don't you tell us what is wrong. Sometimes us on the outside can see things clearer for you, and help you understand why things are not so good.


Anyway...if your still alive...doors are open.



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Life does get rough. But there is no reason to drink poison, shoot yourself or cut. Maybe you should seek couseling, find a friend or something to keep your mind off of that.


eNotAlone is always here. I'm sure many of us has felt that way before in our life, but it gets better. You probably won't admit it right now but it does. You have to keep giving it time, get a positive outlook. Seek help.


I've been there. You know I use to 'cut' and one day I gave up. Never looked back. It got rough but one day this will all be over with and you don't want to be reminded of the past do you? Why would you want to drink posion? You have so much to live for? We are still so young. We haven't fell in love, or experienced life. There is so much more out there. It gets better, but right now you'll be too stubborn to admit it.


I'm always here for you. It's alright to cry, kick, scream, punch, but don't harm yourself or others. You deserve better and one day it'll all be just be in the past. Like I said; I'm always here for you.



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i care, we all care! i'm glad you told us this because we want to tell you to stop doing this to yourself. you mean too much to us and other people to just throw your life away like this. PLEASE do yourself a favor and stop drinking poison, cutting, etc. there are better ways to cope. talk to someone please, me if you want, i dont mind. SOMEONE. try not to get lost in the current situation and the sadness it brings, and remember that one day you can get out of it. these things are temporary, and you're so young, you have no idea what life has in store for you. please stop doing this to yourself and give life a chance again, please. try to take control of your life and start fresh. with time things can get better i promise, i've been there. please visit these sites, they worked wonders for me. take care


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theres help out there!

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ya come on man!Try to get your thoughts off those darn subjects i know its hard man it is for me too!I constantly feel down and feel like killing myself but i try my hardest to hold it back.I know how u feel man.Its like somedays im put down a lot,i feel like im good at nothing,friends are being mean,parents are being totally messed up,and then i think about that one thing left maybe someone i can go to which everyones big option is doing something with their gf well that option is not open to me and i never have or maybe not for a long time will have that.Just use your pc as an excape like u always have been trying to.That is the same thing i always do.I know overtime u start to feel pathetic like sometimes i sit right in front of my computer with my head on the desk and i wish and just pray i had a girlfriend or someone great too look too but i never do.Just play those games and keep your mind on them to get your mind out of this horrible thing we call life.I just chug the pills down every night and play pc games to get my mind off my lonely life.

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umm the poison didnt kill me bc i stopped drinking it in the middle or like so of the bottle and i just threw up a few times -_- now Xbox_modding_freak posted i should play videogames and stuff but ya i play videogames all the time they are helping me escape this world and every time i do try to shoot myself in the head i chicken out and end up hitting the arm. cutting is in the arm as well so ya i really mess myself up but i keep trying to quit sum ppl are helping my gf and sum other guys and gurls never in my school and stuff i cant really come on this site everyday but ill give it a shot ok thnx for all your help im cutting myself rite now tho...

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umm the poison didnt kill me bc i stopped drinking it in the middle or like so of the bottle and i just threw up a few times -_- now Xbox_modding_freak posted i should play videogames and stuff but ya i play videogames all the time they are helping me escape this world and every time i do try to shoot myself in the head i chicken out and end up hitting the arm. cutting is in the arm as well so ya i really mess myself up but i keep trying to quit sum ppl are helping my gf and sum other guys and gurls never in my school and stuff i cant really come on this site everyday but ill give it a shot ok thnx for all your help im cutting myself rite now tho...


arGH!!! if u wanna cut sum1 fire up ure ps2 load Vicecity and use that katana to slice some grannies up... otherwise if u really need 2 commit suicide do it on smthin like halo its always funny then and ull see how stupid it is to do it to ureself also.... get with some friends and do sumtin good now! dont waste ure life dude dont...




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o_O hey xbox dude how come i play every game u just metioned ya i have a gf shes the only reason iam living now she threaten to kill herself if i killed myself btw xbox ur pic scares me no offense


lol i agree that icon is freaky


but hey man, keep that positive thinking up. i mean, concentrate on the things in life that you do have, not the things you don't. concentrate on the good things in life, not the bad. i know its hard and it probably seems like there isnt much,but if you look hard you'll find something. and never forget that these things are temporary. just try your best to look on the bright side of things..get a hobbby, get some exercise, the endorphines released when exercising helps your brain out, watch a good movie, listent to some good music, TALK TO SOMEONE, just do anything you can to make yourself release YOU CAN get over this right now. you're a cool guy, and i dont want you to do anything drastic. take care dude

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Just think about the postives man!Look u have had a girlfriend thats one big step that my loser pathetic male butt hasnt got any maybe not for awhile so hey ur better then me


i used to be like you once... but i woke up smelt the roses and stopped being so godamn sorry now that girl i like at school is starting to like me...


See if i can do it you can

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its not that im just sitting on my butt xbox_modding_freak its the fact that i am way too shy abd stuff.There are 3 perfect girls that i should just talk too that seem like they need a guy to talk to them.Cause they always seem to be walking by theirselves and stuff but iono im just way too nervous to start any conversation.I feel way too stupid tyring to talk to a girl cause i feel like they r judging me calling me ugly and thinking why is this loser talking to me but iono maybe im not gonna get that.Maybe i will get a good conversation going and maybe they will like me only problem is only about 5 percent of my mind thinks postively to hear for u xbox because its easier when ur younger.The older u get doing what i do the harder it is to get out of it.Because sheesh i dont know how to go about kissing,dating,or anything and theres so many kids my age here already having sex.Im not even past meer childs play.So good for u! its harder as u get older to get out of that because people have done so much more then yourself when older.Im glad for u hopefully things go well with that girl .

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no1 Just say Hi and think of a topic for conversation... They wont suddenly turn into some ugly monster and each you for breakfast dinner and lunch


no2 Sex anit everythin you gotta like 15 years without it whats another 15


no3 Get out there and STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF!!! get rid of that avatar and replace it with a smile (or mine muhahaha) you really need to remember girls dont say EWWWWW when u ask em out they will let you off gently even if they are the most venemous in the classs. the girl i like recently just said quietly no she doesn't like me but i will never give up... Quit and you'll never have anything happen Also you can just sit there look at the 3 perfect girls for you and just think about how nice it would be to have em as a GF or you can get out there and REALLY have them as a GF


3 girls man one of em surely likes you i bet ure a chickmagnet but ure just insecure..... Go for it man you got nothing




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i agree man, you need to get some help. you don't have to live your life like that, you can get some help. i know its hard to talk to people, but please do whatever you can. remember, as bad as you think your life is, it could be worse. you can get through this. you're so young, man. try and get through this and one day soon you can go off and make a new life yourself. you won't be a teenager forever, but if you kill yourself, you'd be dead. please keep in mind what you can do with your life and what you do have, and try and distract yourself from the negative for now. please please please reconsider. email me if you wanna talk, please, you can do it

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